In a recent YouTube live interview with I Minutemen, Zack Snyder explained why he brought back Joker for the Snyder Cut. Stating the conflict between Batman and Joker to have been very relevant and undying throughout the DC Universe, the director used it as a means to reminisce on it.

“We live in a society… (bet you already know where this is going) where our favorite heroes have to face some really tough villains. Some of whom turn out to be what they call arch-nemeses. Sherlock and Moriarty, X and Magneto, Superman and Luthor… the list goes on.
But the duo that really steals the show is, of course, Batman and Joker. Portrayed by many celebrated actors before, the pair’s dynamic is timeless.”
Zack Snyder
Now, with the impending release of the Snyder Cut, the director is spilling the tea on the Joker featuring in the movie.
Snyder, who stepped down from the DCEU in 2017, is returning to release his version of the Justice League. After reusing hours of previously shot footage and newly conducted shots from last year, the final product will be released on March 18, 2021.
Cast members from the previous movie, including Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot, returned for reshoots. However, it was the Joker’s appearance that was the star of the show. The official trailer, which dropped on 14 February, features the Joker, played by Jared Leto, in a live-action peek, which also renewed the ‘We live in a society’ meme to fans’ delight.

Snyder’s plan to make Leto join the cast seems to be proving itself successful. Leto shot the additional scenes last year alongside Affleck’s Batman, teasing their relationship with each other.
The scene, which takes place in the Knightmare sequence, has been deemed of importance by the director himself. With Snyder Cut being his last hurrah for the DC Universe, bringing Joker back is Zack Snyder’s parting gift to his loyal fans.
About Zack Snyder’s Justice League:
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a director’s cut version of 2017 Justice League that was directed by Joss Whedon. Just like the film’s theatrical release, the Snyder cut will follow DC comics characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg.
The film is produced by Warner Bros. And DC Films. The film is going to be released on HBO Max in March 2021.
Source: YouTube
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