Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?

Nintendo’s latest installment to the Pokemon franchise, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, will be a tad bit different from its other Pokemon games. For starters, it is a multiplayer game that allows you to play with your friends through the co-op. 

Despite being different, the gameplay of this game will be quite similar to a mainline Pokemon game.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will have a system of gyms that are led by gym leaders. There will be eight gyms in total and players have to challenge all the gym leaders and Pokemon League to become the Champion. Unlike other games, you can challenge the gyms in any order.

The journey of challenging all the gym leaders falls under the Victory Road storyline, one of the three storylines in the game. This storyline rewards you 8 badges— the rest of the 10 badges can be obtained through other storylines. 

Who are the Pokemon Gym Leaders in Scarlet and Violet?

Only four gym leaders have been revealed for the Paldea region so far.

I. Iono

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
Iono, Levincia gym’s gym leader | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

It seems that even gym leaders in Pokemon Universe have picked up on the sheer popularity and rage that streamers enjoy nowadays. Iono is the gym leader of Levincia gym, one of the biggest cities in the Paldea region.

She works as a streamer and influencer who stream her gym battles for views. Electric-type Pokemon are her specialty, and Bellibolt is her beloved companion. 

II. Grusha

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
Grusha, Glaseado gym’s gym leader | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

The gym leader of Glaseado gym, Grusha, is as chill as ice. He used to be a professional snowboarder, but currently, he battles against Pokemon trainers using his partner, Cetitan, and other Ice-type Pokemon.

Though he may be level-headed most of the time, he might reveal his true self if you rile him up enough during battles.

III. Brassius

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
Brassius, Artazon gym’s gym leader | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

Brassius, also known as Verdant Virtuoso, is the gym leader of Artazon gym, a lively town full of flowers and art. Despite having a sullen face, his companion is an adorable Smoliv. He specializes in grass-type Pokemon.

IV. Geeta

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
Geeta, the chairwoman of Pokemon League | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

Geeta isn’t a gym leader, but she’s the chairwoman of the Pokemon League. What role she plays in the Victory Road storyline is unknown so far, but it’s quite possible that we will face her in a battle since she’s the most skilled trainer among all Pokemon trainers.

Why did Pokemon Scarlet and Violet remove National Dex?

Since Gen 7, the feature of National Dex has been absent from all new Pokemon games. National Dex is a fan-favorite feature because the main charm of Pokemon games is exploring the world and meeting all kinds of Pokemon. 

Many fans have been hopeful that Scarlet and Violet will reintroduce National Dex, but Nintendo has announced that there will be no National Dex in the game.

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
Exploration in Paldea | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

Scarlet and Violet won’t have a National Dex because of its three-dimensional graphics. Animating the 3D sprites of nearly 1000+ Pokemon is a Herculean task, and besides, a small console like Switch won’t be able to handle such heavy graphics. 

Instead, Scarlet and Violet will have all the Gen 9 Pokemon and around 150 Pokemon from previous generations, which you can capture.

Will gyms scale in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

The news of having the freedom to challenge any gym has been quite tantalizing. However, this news was followed by shocking news regarding the level-scaling system in the game.

GameFreak has confirmed that gyms won’t have level-scaling, which means the levels of all the gym leader’s Pokemon will remain the same throughout the game. Some gyms will have a higher difficulty level compared to other gyms.

Will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have gyms?
A typical gym battle in Scarlet and Violet | Source: Official Scarlet and Violet Website

This poses two major problems. Firstly, there’s a high possibility that trainers might get overwhelmed in the beginning if they accidentally challenge a more difficult gym. Similarly, once trainers level up and progress more and more within the game, weaker gyms might underwhelm them.

This means that players will be forced to follow a set path for challenging gyms, eventually.

However, all hope is not lost. There are other two storylines besides the gym battle storyline in the game that might make the absence of level-scaling more enjoyable. 

About Pokémon

Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.

They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.

Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.


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