Ash started his globe-trotting voyage in Pokemon Journeys with Pikachu, his old-time favorite pal. And as he does in every season, Ash left all of his Pokemon with Professor Oak to make a fresh start in the Galarian region.
Since then, all of us have been racking our brains trying to theorize what Pokemon would Ash get this time. And boy did Game Freak had an amazing story in store for us.
Ash’s current lineup is something we all have been dying to see Ash get his on. He has caught a Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch’d, and Dracovish.
Though Ash has a full powerful team now it isn’t enough as compared to Goh. Goh who although a newbie has a better Pokemon lineup than Ash by even catching a legendary Pokemon, Suicune.
This part of Ash being a Pokemon master and not having better Pokemon than Goh has truly been upsetting.
Still, Ash having the bigger dream of becoming the best trainer in the world will make Ash catch more Pokemon and make his dream come true.
Going by the recent trends in Pokemon, Ash has caught a maximum of 6 Pokemon. While in the past that number went up to twelve Pokemon. With that said, Ash will be needing to catch more Pokemon in the Journeys series to fulfill his dream of becoming the best trainer in the world.
What will be the Best Next Pokemon for Ash to Catch in Journeys?
The World Coronation series in Journeys has already given Ash a taste of defeat blowing his confidence level. To rise above his opponents Ash will need a solid lineup.
He needs to realistically plan on catching Pokemon that will strengthen his existing lineup. Keeping all these in mind, the most anticipated Pokemon Ash can catch will be:
1. Toxtricity

Toxtricity is an Electric/Poison-type introduced in Generation VIII that evolves from Toxel. It can Gigantamax into Gigantamax Toxtricity.
Gigantamax is a feature that first appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It is a variant of Dynamax. While any Pokemon can Dynamax, only certain Pokemon can Gigantamax. In addition to changing the Pokemon’s size, it changes its appearance as well. It works similarly to Mega Evolution.
With Ash having only Pikachu as an electric type it will be a great addition if Ash can catch a Toxtricity or Toxel (the baby form of Toxtricity).
2. Grimmsnarl

Grimmsnarl is a Dark/Fairy-type introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Morgrem and is the final form of Impidimp. It has a Gigantamax form known as Gigantamax Grimmsnarl.
Without a Fairy-type in Ash’s current lineup, Grimmsnarl would fit in perfectly. Grimmsnarl will perform well with Ash’s unorthodox battle style.
Ash specializes in attack-heavy strategies with out-of-the-box thinking. Grimmsnarl is all attack and quick-thinking with a quirky and loveable design.
Imagine all the creative and bizarre battle moments Grimmsnarl could bring to the table. Its stretchy arms could provide Ash some much-needed long-range coverage and continue the trend of giving him popular Pokemon for a change.
3. Centiskorch

Currently, Ash is without a Fire-type Pokemon for the first time in years. With Goh having Sobble, Cinderace, and Grookey. Centiskorch is the best option for a fire-type for the pride of Pallet Town.
Centiskorch is a Bug/Fire-type Pokemon with a creepy but interesting design. Amazingly, Ash hasn’t had a bug type since Leavanny in Best Wishes. He is overdue for a new one. If Ash is gonna take on more of Galar’s Gym Leaders then having fire-type coverage is a must.
4. Eiscue

Ash hasn’t had an Ice-type Pokemon since Glalie in the Advanced series more than sixteen years ago. Eiscue is an ice-type introduced in Generation VIII will be a perfect addition to his lineup.
While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokemon, Eiscue can change forms with its Ice Face ability.
5. Stonjourner

Stonjourner is a tall Rock-type Pokemon introduced in Generation VIII. Stonjourner has “journe” in its name, so it might as well appear in Journeys.
With Ash having only two rock-type Pokemon caught up until now, that being Boldore (which didn’t reach its final evaluation stage and is shared with Goh) and Lycanroc (considered as one of Ash’s strongest Pokemon of all time).
Adding Stonjourner to his collection can step up his rock-type game.
Will Ash Catch Any Legendary Pokemon in Journeys?
Ash to date has never caught a legendary Pokemon, although he came close to catching it. With the series running for more than twenty years, it is highly possible for Ash to finally catch his first legendary Pokemon in Journeys.
With Ash coming in contact with legendary Pokemon over the years, the realistically possible legendary Pokemon that Ash can catch will be Solgaleo and Latias.
1. Solgaleo
Ash encounters a young Cosmog (Nebby) in Sun and Moon Ultra Adventures. Ash cared for Nebby following a dream he had where he made a promise to Solgaleo and Lunala that he would do so.

Two evolutions later, it becomes the magnificent Solgaleo itself. Ash had the opportunity to capture it but instead bids his farewell to Solgaleo after they defeated Necrozma.
The bonding Ash and Solgaleo had in that series has made the fans eagerly wait for a time when Ash finally catches Solgaleo. Though it is very unlikely for Ash to catch it on his own, there is a chance for Solgaleo to return to Journeys and join Ash’s team.
Fans have always wanted Ash to have a Latias after seeing the bond between Ash and Latias in the Pokemon Hero movie.
2. Latias

Ash’s current team consists of Pikachu, Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch’d, and Dracovish. So if he finally catches Latias, it will
be a big boost for him to take up the World Coronation series.
About Pokémon
Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.
They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.
Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.
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