One Piece’s foray into Egghead Island is quite possibly the best route Oda could have taken after Wano. With chapter 1062, we’ve entered Vegapunk’s Land of Science, a futuristic place with holograms, robots, and unlimited food from an automated cooking device!
Apart from making me hungry, this chapter has set the pace for what is sure to be One Piece’s next great adventure.
It was revealed that Vegapunk has divided himself into 6 different “satellites” – Punk 01 to Punk 06, to keep up with his research business.
Jewelry Bonney has teamed up with the Straw Hats to defeat Vegapunk because he turned her father – Kuma, into a Pacifista: a mindless killing weapon. But Bonney isn’t the only one after Vegapunk.
The Cipher Pol agents are also on an operation to eliminate the genius scientist. But why would the World Government be after someone who’s been working for them?
The World Government wants to kill Vegapunk because he’s become more of a threat than an asset. Vegapunk has likely uncovered Im’s secret or how Devil Fruits work. It could be that he has fulfilled his purpose, and the WG doesn’t need him now with the new Seraphims.
What does Vegapunk have on the WG?
The most logical reason the World Government might want to eliminate their most valuable asset is because Vegapunk simply knows too much.

The World Government functions in the shadows, their power lying in mystery. No one even knows about the existence of Im, the secret ruler of the world, apart from the Gorosei and a few others.
The fact that the CP0 has been commanded to kill all 6 Vegapunks on Egghead, means that Vegapunk has found out something they don’t want him to know about.
In chapter 1060, Im-sama wipes out the rebellious Lulusia Kingdom with a single blast of power.
In chapter 1062, Rob Lucci says that perhaps the World Government want them to kill Vegapunk, the single most useful man in the world, because it might have something to do with the recent Lulusia incident.
Stussy and Kaku, the other two CP0 agents assigned to terminate Vegapunk, tell Lucci that since he’s an intuitive fellow he should know better than to question their orders or try and make his own assumptions about it.
When Im obliterated Lulusia, the first thing we thought of was Uranus. Of course, it seems that Im has the third Ancient Weapon Uranus, the sky-based weapon of mass destruction, which allowed him to destroy a whole island with one attack.
With chapter 1062 and the mention of Vegapunk knowing too much, it seems like Vegapunk not just knows about Im’s existence but that he is somehow connected to the weapon Im used to destroy Lulusia.
Fans think that Vegapunk built a weapon for Im and that it might have something to do with the new technology revealed in the new chapter.

Vegapunk’s island is a sci-fi dream. It has light holograms, technology that lets you physically interact with those light holograms, an island-wide air-conditioner that can regulate the winter island’s environment to a tropical one, giant talking robots, and mechanical sea beasts.
Vegapunk built the World Government Pacifistas i.e., human weapons, turning the ex-Warlord, Kuma (who was revealed to be Bonney’s dad) into a cyborg called PX-0. Basically, Vegapunk’s technology has no limits.
It’s not too far off to imagine that he was ordered to build a superweapon for Im.
But I don’t think the weapon was some new invention, but Uranus itself.
Vegapunk might have modified or even duplicated Uranus. This would fit in with the theory that Uranus is somewhere between an animate and inanimate object, since Poseidon is a mermaid, and Pluton is a battleship.
Vegapunk makes cyborgs, robots, and automated machines. He is familiar with cloning, gene splicing, and apparently splitting his consciousness within 6 different bodies.
There might be a possibility that the actual Uranus was tempered to be used by Im, and that it somewhat is sentient, like artificial intelligence.
There are so many ways this could go.
Vegapunk might have found out any of the myriad secrets that have been so well-kept by the Government – like what happened in the Void Century, the God Valley incident, the Ohara genocide, the D. clan.
The WG might also be coming after Vegapunk simply because he’s uncovered the secret of the history of Devil Fruits. They probably realized after Wano that Vegapunk might have lied to them about the failure of creating artificial Devil Fruits.
Vegapunk had originally announced in Punk Hazard that the artificial DF that Momonosuke has now was a failure. But as we saw from the previous arc, it is far from that. It allowed Momo to do everything Kaido could with his DF.
Now the WG wants him dead before he can create more DFs or pass on his research to someone else.
Knowledge is power, and there is no one who knows more than Vegapunk. We know that the WG is obsessed with maintaining the balance of power in the world and loves to eliminate those who disrupt it.
With everything we know of Vegapunk and with what we’ve seen about his capabilities, it does seem like Vegapunk can be a imminent threat to the WG’s establishment of power.
Has Vegapunk served his purpose?
Vegapunk might have done everything he could for the World Government which is why they think it’s time to dispose of him.
When the Marines employed Vegapunk, he discovered the technology of Seastone and its ability to serve as the kryptonite to Devil Fruit powers. His research on Devil Fruits, the Lineage Factor, gigantification, and weaponry, have helped the Marines fight and keep up with the pirates and the revolutionaries.
Vegapunk was able to create Seraphims, the upgraded units of Pacifistas, that resembled youthful Warlords of the Sea and had lunarian traits inbuilt in them.
These Seraphim models are strong enough to challenge Yonko crews. With these killing-machines, maybe they don’t need him anymore.

Now that he has served his purpose, maybe the WG thinks it’s time for him to go.
The problem with this theory is that someone like Vegapunk doesn’t just fulfill his purpose. He’s a scientist; his research never ends; his work is timeless.
Killing Vegapunk because he’s already given them enough isn’t really logical because for all they know, Vegapunk’s next creation could be 10 times better and more useful to them than the last.
Is Vegapunk a good guy?
With everything we’ve seen so far about Vegapunk’s history and the recent developments in chapter 1062, it looks like Vegapunk is a good guy after all. With the World Government wanting to assassinate him, there’s a good chance Vegapunk will side with Luffy and the Straw Hats.
It’s been known that Vegapunk was a generous person who cared for his fellow inhabitants on Karakuri Island, wanting to research and innovate in order to help them.
The WG arrested him for his research into the blueprint of life aka the Lineage Factor and ordered his arrest. Eventually he was forced into their employment when the WG realized how valuable he could be.
He also refused to test his tech on children and didn’t want to use them for the gigantification process. When his colleague, Caesar Clown developed H2S, a dangerous chemical weapon, Vegapunk wasn’t too pleased either.

In chapter 1062, Vegapunk rescues the Straw Hat Pirates despite repeatedly stating that he didn’t rescue them.
I think Vegapunk is genuinely a good guy, albeit a bit mad. He doesn’t seem to be all there, mentally or physically, since he’s literally in 6 (or 7 – if we consider there’s a supreme Vegapunk apart from the 6 Punks) different people.
The WG, by coming after him, are simply diluting their own chances of winning the final battle. If Vegapunk turns to Luffy’s side, the “good guys” will be at a way greater advantage than before.
Hopefully, Im has some god-like power that is strong enough to challenge Vegapunk’s technology if it comes down to it.
About One Piece
One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997.
The man who had acquired everything in this world, the Pirate King, is Gol D. Roger. The final words he said at the execution tower were “My treasures? If you want it, I’ll let you have it. Look for it; I left all of it at that place.” These words sent many to the seas, chasing their dreams, headed toward the Grand Line, in search of One Piece. Thus began a new age!
Seeking to be the greatest pirate in the world, young Monkey D. Luffy also heads toward the Grand Line in search of One Piece. His diverse crew is joining him along the way, consisting of a swordsman, marksman, navigator, cook, doctor, archaeologist, and cyborg-shipwright, this will be one memorable adventure.
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