Can you imagine what your soul energy might look like if it were made to manifest physically?
This is a concept introduced by the surreal and amazing anime, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. The mastermind behind the manga, is Hirohiko Araki.
Stands are generated psychically by the characters in the series, both the heroes and the villains. Characters can channel their spiritual energy in the form of their Stands, either as part of them or otherwise.
Stand abilities can be quite terrifying, magnificent, and mind-blowing. But it’s important to remember that a Stand is only as strong as its user. Here are the top 15 Stand users in anime.
15 Ghiaccio – White Album
Ghiaccio is one of the minor villains in the fifth story arc of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
He is a member of the hitman or execution team La Squadra Esecuzioniwho locates and chases after protagonist Giorno Giovanna and her ally Guido Mista.

Ghiaccio’s White Album Stand is a freezing abilitity that can turn water and limbs to ice and lower temperatures to a fatal degree.
What’s rare about Ghiaccio Stand is that he is able to wear it as a suit that can protect him from all except only the most powerful attacks.
14 Josuke Higashikata – Soft & Wet, Crazy Diamond
Soft & Wet and Crazy Diamond are both pretty useful Stands but the user of these Stands – Josuke Higashikata does not have the ability to control them entirely.
Josuke suffers from retrograde amnesia – he has problems remembering his past and who he is.

Both his stands appear as humanoid forms and are both close range stands. Soft & Wet uses the power and properties of bubbles including absorption and lifting power.
Crazy Diamond utilizes super strength as well as super speed. Ultimately, with more power over his Stands, Josuke can climb the list to maybe the top 8.
13 Domenico Pucci – Weather Report
Domenico Pucci is synonymous with his Stand Weather Report. He is one of the major ally characters in the sixth part of the series, Stone Ocean. Weather is also an amnesiac initially, unable to recall any memories.
Weather can – you guessed it – control the weather. He can hugely influence weather phenomena by manipulating atmospheric conditions.

He can make it rain 30 kilometers away and control wind, clouds, humidity, and also oxygen and other gases to some level.
Weather Report, after gaining his memories, gets the ability of Heavy Weather which is an automatic stand, affected not by the user, but by the situation. He soon becomes overwhelmed by his memories, and gives in to rage and sorrow.
12 Okuyasu – The Hand
The Hand is widely considered to be a highly deadly and powerful Stand, possibly in the top 4 strongest Stands. Unfortunately, because of the user than wields the Stand, brings it to number 12 on my list.

The Hand can obliterate or erase anything – including space and reality. Okuyasu isn’t what you’d call an intelligent guy – he can’t even fully envision the power of his Stand. He is impulsive, immature, and indecisive.
The Hand can make the universe physically smaller by sucking things into the void. But with a user like Okuyasu, I wouldn’t be surprised if he winked himself out of existence by mistake.
11 Risotto Nero – Metallica
Nero is the leader of the aforementioned La Squadra Esecuzioni, and one of the major antagonists in the Vento Aureo arc.
His Stand, Metallica, actually comprises of an army of small metallic beings that reside within him. They enable him to manipulate iron in another character’s blood, as well as in the earth, using the properties of magnetism.

In one memorable scene, Nero transforms the iron inside Doppio, the underboss’s blood, into sharp blades that tear him from within.
While Nero is quite skilled with handling his Stand, there are others stronger than him.
10 Rohan – Heaven’s Door
Heaven’s Door is another overpowered Stand on my list which isn’t used to its full ability (see: number 12).
Heaven’s Door can physically turn people into books. He can make pages out of people’s body parts, that give him written information about them, including their memories, and actions, past and present.

He can write down commands into them and make them obey the power of his word. In turn, he can also remove pages from their mind, i.e., removing particular memories.
But the Stand, although objectively powerful, is limited because of its user being unimaginative.
9 Vanilla Ice – Cream
It might not sound it, but Vanilla Ice’s Stand Cream, is potentially one of the most powerful Stands in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
Cream can consume itself and its user into a black-hole kind of void that can disintegrate and transport anything into another dimension.

But the Stand’s portal resides in Vanilla Ice’s mouth; to go into Stand-mode, Ice must allow himself to be devoured by Cream. This leaves him blind and unable to maneuver.
He has to regularly detach from himself to travel, leaving him briefly vulnerable to attack. Ice is also somewhat absent-minded and could improve his control over his Stand.
8 Yoshikage Kira – Killer Queen
Yoshikage Kira is the main villain in JoJo’s fourth story arc, Diamond Is Unbreakable. Kira, as his name suggests, is a killer, almost psychopathic, with OCD and a peculiar hand fetish.

Killer Queen is Kira’s beefed up, humanoid stand, capable of terminating people and things with targeted bomb attacks. Not just that, but he can actually transmute them into bombs themselves, manipulating their explosive energy within.
Despite the Stand being virtually indestructible, Kira does not develop mastery over it. He relies too much on the Stand’s inherent power, leaving all confrontation and battle to Killer Queen.
7 Diavolo – King Crimson
Diavolo is the primary villain of the fifth story arc, also known as the Boss. He is also the alternate personality of Doppio.
Diavolo’s Stand is called King Crimson, which can erase time for up to ten seconds. His sub-Stand, Epitaph, allows him to see into the future for a duration of ten seconds.

He can foresee attacks or stop them from happening at all by cancelling the period of time within which they take place. If this power seems invincible – it is; but of course, in the series, Stand users are as important as the Stand itself.
Diavolo struggles with the past. He is unable to repair errors in his own past, and almost has a compulsive obsession about keeping his identity a secret and erasing himself from known history.
6 Dio Brando – The World
Dio is a prominent character with echoes through all arcs of the show. He is the father of Giorno Giovanna, and the primary antagonist of the first and third story arcs.
Dio in Italian means God, and it’s true that Dio, who is also a vampire, indeed has quite the godlike Stand: The World.

The World has a lot of abilities, but the main one is control over time. He can stop time completely and within that period move freely and finish off his enemies.
However, since the Stand needs to be consciously activated, he is quite powerless if taken by surprise. He also has to be within close proximity to his target since The World is a close range Stand.
5 Jotaro Kujo – Star Platinum
Being the Stand of one of the protagonists, Star Platinum is incredibly powerful, even when it doesn’t wield any special abilities.
It is possibly one of the top 3 physically strongest Stands in the entire series, possessing strength enough to pull out a jeep full of people from a canyon.

Star Platinum also boasts of superhuman senses and is as fast as light. Jotaro, in his battle with Dio, realises his stand has the ability to stop time like The World.
Star Platinum also possesses self-preservation traits of its own, restarting Jotaro’s heart and also protecting him during a time-stop attack by Dio.
4 Johnny Joestar – Tusk
Johnny Joestar is the seventh JoJo of the series and the protagonist of the seventh arc, Steel Ball Run. Johnny lost the use of his legs after he was shot in the spine.
He was a skilled jockey, and his paraplegia leaves him depressed without being able to ride horses.
His Stand – Tusk – looks like an axolotl and can present itself in four actor or forms. Johnny uses the supernatural ability called Spin, to make his nails grow and shoot at targets.

Because of the high spin, they are also able to create wormholes in space. The Spin ability allows Tusk Act4 to trap a person and their Stand to a fixed moment in time and place, even in parallel dimensions.
But Johnny is burdened by guilt, depression, and under-confidence. If he exhibited more control, he could easily be number higher on the list.
3 Funny Valentine – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
The primary villain of Steel Ball Run, Funny Valentine, makes it to my top 3.
Valentine is a militant patriot, and this nationalism for the United States is the guiding force of his actions and beliefs. He is ruthless, manipulative, and very authoritative.
Valentine’s Stand has a long and unique name – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, D4C for short. This Stand grants Valentine free access to any alternate dimension in the JoJo multiverse.

He can travel between these dimensions and make them exist in one time and place, so he can jump between them, allowing him to disappear and reappear anywhere during a fight.
An evolved version of his stand – D4C Love Train – allows Valentine to deflect any misfortune that comes his way and send it in another direction.
Although Funny Valentine uses his Stand pretty effectively, he has yet to uncover its full potential.
2 Enrico Pucci – Made in Heaven
And we’re down to the top 2. Enrico Pucci’s Stand, was considered by Dio, the user of The World, as the most powerful Stand and the path that leads to Heaven.
Beside Made in Heaven, his ultimate Stand, Pucci also is a user of two other Stands, Whitesnake and C-Moon.

Made in Heaven is so powerful that time-stopping is just its secondary ability. The main power of this Stand lies in its ability to actually reset the universe.
Pucci can create fate – heard of that before? He can put people into an entirely new world, exactly where they’re supposed to be, and make them aware of their fates and their limits.
Well, you can’t fight fate.
1 Giorno Giovanna – Gold Experience-Requiem
Giorno Giovanna is the strongest Stand user in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
His Stand, Gold Experience Requiem, can negate or undo any action, preventing them from ever having happened. It can erase causality and create a new reality. This makes Giorno unimaginably strong.

GER also retains the ability of its lower form – Gold Experience. It can generate life itself, transforming inanimate or inorganic things into living creatures. For examples, he turns luggage to frogs, and pillars to scorpions.
Aside from his Stand, Giorno’s determination and resolve also makes him very powerful. I can’t think of anyone who can beat Giorno and his Stand ability.
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