The series finale of Homeland brought about an interesting subplot & twist by introducing another coded call to the alias by the name Professor Rabinow at Saul’s Home.
To conclude — Saul, who as we know, also had the Code name Professor A.W Rabinow to specifically contact his most valued Asset in Russia — earlier Anna, and now, Carrie.
Saul’s Confusion
Towards the end of the episode, we see Saul Berenson getting everything in his house packed, and it seems he’s about to move out.
Then during a conversation with his sister, who is helping him with the packing, there is a phone call on the landline.
Saul is surprised he forgot to get the landline disconnected and asks his sister to make a note of this as one of his pending tasks.
Saul asks her, who was it? His sister is confused and tells Saul that it was a wrong number as the person on the other line insisted that he was calling for a Professor Rabinow, and she told him no such person existed like that.
Saul & The New Asset
Subsequently, we see Saul going to an antique book store. The owner greets him and seems to be worried as he had heard about him having a heart attack(which was actually what the whole GRU and Carrie paralyzing him with the Solution seems to be spun off as in the media).
Saul says, “Claude, you can stop with the cloak and dagger… It’s all over now” (suggesting that Anna, his Asset, in the GRU is dead, so there’s no real reason for him to be here).
Claude(The antique bookstore owner) replies, “Are you sure?” and gives him the package that has arrived for him.
Details on the package say, “To Professor A.W. Rabinow C/O Claude Geroux.“
Saul is quite surprised and asks him, “when did this arrive?” Claude replied, saying it came this morning.
Saul, in complete astonishment, says to himself, “Impossible.”
He goes back to his home, and sitting on his desk is quite perplexed. After opening the packet, he is shocked to see the title of the book — ‘Tyranny of Secrets: Why I had to betray my country’ by Carrie Mathison.
Suddenly it strikes him what if all had not been lost, what if Carrie was deliberately using the same modus operandi used by Anna his earlier Russian Asset in the GRU to send a message.
Saul checks the spine of the book, like old times. It has a secret message:
“The Russian missile system just sold to Iran and Turkey has an exploitable backdoor. Specs to follow. Stay Tuned.”
Carrie had made it into the highest echelons of the Russian government. As a gesture to fix what she had done, and to save Saul’s legacy, she had replaced Anna and was now the new Asset of Saul with access to important game-changing sensitive information.
She wasn’t a defector but actually a double agent still a patriot working to save and protect America, and Saul had been right about her all along.
To conclude — Saul, who as we know, also had the Code name Professor A.W Rabinow to specifically contact his most valued Asset in Russia — earlier Anna, and now, Carrie.

About Homeland
Homeland is an American political-spy thriller created by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa based on an older Israeli series, named Prisoners of War. It was produced by Fox 21 Television Studios and first aired in 2011. Homeland ended in 2020 with its eighth and final season.
The show follows the story of an insightful CIA operations officer, Carrie Mathison, who is reassigned to CIA’s Counterterrorism Center in Langley, Virginia after running an unauthorized operation in Iraq.
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