This is the only guide you’ll need to find every Raven in God of War Ragnarok.
You must finish the mission Eyes of Odin, in which you must track down and slay Odin’s spectral Ravens if you wish to face every optional boss and learn all of Ragnarok’s secrets.
Here is a guide on where to find each of the game’s 48 Ravens.
1. Eyes of Odin in Svartalfheim
Aurvangar Wetlands
You can spot the first Raven on the sand island when you first enter the Aurvangar Wetlands.
If you look high enough, you will see it perched on a rock on the island’s north side.
Bay of Bounty

Try the Weight of Chains quest, which has you climb onto a beast that was submerged in the Bay of Bounty.
Look for the Raven on the creature’s north side from the first dock. Simply clear the debris with firebombs, climb over the opening with a grappling hook, and duck through the crawlspace. On the opposite side, to your left, is the Raven.
Another Raven can be seen flying about near the Watchtower in the Bay of Bounty. You’ll have a better time landing the axe throw if you head up to the Draugr Hile.
On Radsvinn’s Rig, a second Raven is concealed in a tiny loop hanging from a wooden crane.
The Forge

After getting off the train connecting this region to the Nidavellir settlement, you can see another Raven soaring about close to the Nornir Chest.
The Quarry Near Jarsmida Pitmines

You will arrive in a quarry full of tools and claws after passing The Forge. Fight the foes in this area, then descend a chain to a gate that is barred by impassable vines (at least at this stage in the story).
You can see the Raven flying around if you look directly ahead over the river. Take an axe to it.
The Applecore
This Raven may be found in the mines soon after the riddle involving the waterwheels and the ore, and before you get to the cell Tyr is allegedly being held in.
It will be perched on a wooden beam to the left of the double wooden doors, close to a shimmy path leading to a little chest, where you will meet Atreus on the opposite side of the cavern.
2. Eyes of Odin in Vanaheim
The Strond

Just behind the Nornir Chest, south of the mystical entrance of The Strond, is where you can discover another Raven. Gaze to the left, and you will see it perched on a tree.
Temple of Light

A Raven is concealed behind a barrier around halfway within the Temple of Light. The twilight stone that is above it should help you figure out how to capture the creature.
You can try as many times as you wish to hit the one above it with your axe. However, to your left, against a wall, is another twilight stone. Until it swings toward the one above the crow, aim your throw toward this one. Throw it, and the bird will be in your possession.

Another Raven can be found in a window watching the stairway farther into the Temple of Light, just beyond the Nornir Chest, as you climb the steps next to the light of Alfheim. As you climb, just keep gazing to the left.
The Canyons

The Canyons’ first Raven can be seen next to Sindri’s store. It will be flying around this area.
The Barrens
Another Raven is perched on a tree in The Barrens’ northwest corner, just to the north of the locked gate.
The right eye socket of the enormous skeleton is where the second Raven in this location is located.
Forbidden Sands
This Raven is concealed behind a troll statue in the southwest portion of the Forbidden Sands.
Another Raven can be seen circling just to the north of Freyr’s statue.
On the east side of The Forbidden Sands, yet another Raven is perched inside a rock.
3. Eyes of Odin in Vanaheim
The Southern Wilds
This Raven is to the northwest of the magical doorway when you initially arrive here with Brok and Freya.
Freyr’s Camp
You can discover another Raven just to the north of Freyr’s Camp.
Goddess Falls
This Raven can be seen circling the area near the waterfalls in southwest Vanaheim.
East of the Cliffside Ruins
You must finish the mission that leads you to the east of the Cliffside Ruins, where you can lower the drawbridge to obtain the Raven. To find the bird perched on a log, approach the edge of the bridge from this side and look down over the river to the east.
Pilgrim’s Landing
You can find this Raven when you complete the side mission, Cure for the Dead. A Raven is perched across the way when you peek through the archway on the northeast side of the chest after you’ve dropped the second bridge.
4. Eyes of Odin in Midgard
Lake of Nine
To the south of the main temple, on the outside edge, is a Raven hopping around in an ice block.
At the summit of the climbing route, you can locate a second Raven to the west of the Shores of Nine.
5. Eyes of Odin Chest Rewards
The Girdle of Raven Tears can be obtained from the first Raven chest. Base stats for this waist armor are 29 Defense and 9 Luck. Its passive property increases your overall healing by 15%. For the set, it rises to 30%.
The Bracers of Raven Tears, wrist armor with 26 Strength, 14 Defense, and 12 Luck, are kept in the second Raven chest. They also boost all forms of healing.
The Cuirass of Raven Tears, which has 25 Strength, 58 Defense, and 25 Luck, may be found in the third chest. When you attack foes, it also has a low Luck change that grants a healing mist.
How many Ravens have you managed to find so far? And what tactics did you use to take them out?
About God of War Ragnarok
God of War Ragnarok is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was released on November 9, 2022, for PS4 and PS5.
Ragnarok is the ninth installment in the God of War series, chronologically, and the sequel to 2018’s God of War. Loosely based on Norse mythology, the game is set in ancient Norway and features series protagonists Kratos and his young son Atreus. The events of the game are expected to initiate Ragnarok – a series of events that, according to Norse lore, bring about the end of days and the death of the Norse gods.
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