If you’ve come across the House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy and want to open it, then you know that you’ll need to find all the Daedalian Keys to unlock it.
They’re the only way to unlock the chest and it contains a very special reward which is why it’s valuable. You’ll be able to start your quest to find the keys by talking to Nellie Oggspire in the Transfiguration Courtyard.

There are 16 Daedalian Keys for you to find and they’re spread all across the map. Some of the keys are a tad bit easier to find, the others being a little tricky. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you all of the locations so that you can find them with ease.
It’s worth noting that these keys are bewitched with magic, so they’ll fly away as soon as you find them. Follow them back to their cabinets where they’ll hover over the keyhole. Successfully slap the key into the keyhole and you’ll obtain a House Token with which you’ll be able to unlock the House Chest.
With that out of the way, here are the locations of all the Daedalian Keys:
Daedalian Key 1: Astronomy Tower

Travel to the Astronomy Wing Area, you’ll be guided there as a part of the quest, then Fast Travel to the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame. You’ll find the key by heading up the tower. The cabinet will be in the room next to the Floo Flame.

Daedalian Key 2: Rhinoceros Skeleton

This key is also in the Astronomy Wing. What you need to do is Fast Travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, then head through the doors behind you. Go up the stairs and to the left of the Rhinoceros Skeleton and you’ll find the key floating. It’ll lead up the stairs to a cabinet on the floor above.

Daedalian Key 3: Central Hall

In the Library Annex area, Fast Travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame and then go downstairs. Turn right at the fountain and you’ll find the key floating by the entrance to the Greenhouse. It’ll lead to the opposite stairs near the Transfiguration Courtyard door, and to the right you’ll find the cabinet.

Daedalian Key 4: Library

You’ll find this key also in the Library Annex area, Fast Travel to the Library Floo Flame and you’ll find the key floating by the bookcases on the side near you. The key will lead to the cabinet which is on the opposite side of the library.

Daedalian Key 5: Upper Central Hall

Also in the Library Annex area, Fast Travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame, then head up the stairs all the way to the big doors. Before going through, go to the right side of the room and you’ll find the key floating behind the staircase. It’ll lead you to a cabinet on the right side, down the stairs.

Daedalian Key 6: Potions Classroom

This is also in the Library Annex Area, Fast Travel to the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and go through the doors ahead. Turn left and you’ll find the key floating on top of the staircase. It’ll lead you to a cabinet at the bottom of the stairs.

Daedalian Key 7: North Hall

This is in the Astronomy Wing area. Fast Travel to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame and turn around to go left through the doors leading into North Hall. You’ll find the key right outside the entrance to the History of Magic Classroom. It’ll take you to a cabinet on the top floor.

Daedalian Key 8: Sleeping Dragon Statue

This is also in the Astronomy Wing area. Go to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, turn around and head left through the double doors. Go straight, then right down the staircase. Keep going down and you’ll find the key floating by a sleeping dragon statue. It’ll lead you back up to the cabinet.

Daedalian Key 9: Map Chamber

Also in the Astronomy Wing area. Go through the same route as the previous key, but keep going past the dragon statue until you enter a room with wooden casks. Go up the stairs, turn right and go even lower until you find the key near the stone-pillared chamber. It’ll lead back to a cabinet in the room with the casks.

Daedalian Key 10: Grand Staircase

This is in the Grand Staircase area. Fast Travel to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame and then head up the Grand Staircase until you find the key on the level below the puzzle door containing symbols set on the outer walls of the staircase. It’ll lead back to a cabinet near the same Floo Flame.

Daedalian Key 11: Entrance Hall

Located in the Great Hall area. Fast Travel to the Viaduct Courtyard Floo Flame then head up the stairs to the courtyard. Go right through the big doors leading into the entrance hall. You’ll notice the cabinet on your left and you’ll find the key on the level above the Hogwarts symbol.

Daedalian Key 12: The Great Hall
Also located in the Great Hall area. Fast Travel to the Great Hall Floo Flame, look left and you’ll spot the key. It’ll lead you to a cabinet down the opposite side of the entrance where lies another puzzle door.

Daedalian Key 13: Quad Courtyard

Also located in the Great Hall area. Fast Travel to the Great Hall Floo Flame, head right through the double doors, go down the stairs past the statue, and you’ll see the key after heading through the big archway. It’ll lead you to a cabinet in the bottom corner of the Quad Courtyard.

Daedalian Key 14: Faculty Tower

Located in the South Wing area. In order to access the Faculty Tower, you need to undertake “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” quest as it’ll give you a spell to unlock doors called Alohomora. Fast Travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, go right into the tower. Go up the stairs and you’ll find your key. It’ll lead you to a cabinet close to where you previously entered.

Daedalian Key 15: Faculty Tower

For this too, you need to undertake “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament” quest. In the South Wing Area, on the highest floors of the Faculty Tower, you’ll find a corridor filled with portraits which links the Clock Tower to it. You’ll find your key here, and it’ll lead you to a cabinet beside the entrance to the Prefect’s Bathroom.

Daedalian Key 16: Clock Tower

Last key is also located in the South Wing area and you’ll require Alohomora to get this one. Fast Travel to the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame then go through the leftmost door and head up the stairs. The key is on the leftmost section of the passageway where the stairs come out.

That’s all of the Daedalian Keys that you need to collect. With the help of these, you’ll be able to unlock the House Chest successfully.
What does the House Chest contain?

Unlocking the House Chest using all the House Tokens will reward you with the Relic House Uniform. The uniform will have a unique design depending on which House you’re in and it also glows when you cast spells so it’s a pretty sick addition to your cosmetic collection.
About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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