With an authentic taste of Harry Potter’s magical world of witches, wizards, adventures, and friendships, Hogwarts Legacy gives us an experience of the wizarding life we have yearned for since we read our first Harry Potter book.
The RPG game has several exciting elements from the books and movies and some brand-new ideas for us to explore and learn. With minor details and features, our life as fifth-year students in the game is thrilling and filled with discovery.
One such small but essential part of Hogwarts Legacy is the Landing Platforms around the wizarding world. They are a part of flying in the world of Firebolts and Thestrals and a game challenge.
There are 20 Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy, with 6 in the North, 7 in the Central region, and 7 in the South of the World Map. There are no Landing Platforms in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.
What are Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy?
In Hogwarts Legacy, Landing Platforms are large, circular platforms with which the player can interact. These are associated with flying in the wizarding world, and landing on each gets you closer to the rewards; Quidditch-related cosmetics.
Once you have officially learned flying in Hogwarts Legacy (you’ll encounter a flying class along your wizarding journey), Landing Platforms can now be accessed. These stage-like elements of the game are ornately decorated and have four unlit braziers on their edge.
Where are the Landing Platforms in the North of the World Map?

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are six Landing Platforms in the North of the World Map. They are in:
I. North Ford Bog
The Landing Platform in North Ford Bog is on top of a cliff south of the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame.
II. Hogsmeade Valley #1
One of the Landing Platforms in Hogsmeade Valley is east of East North Ford Bog Floo Flame. It is near the camp on the top of the hill.
III. Hogsmeade Valley #2
This Landing Platform in Hogsmeade Valley is south of East Hogsmeade Valley Floo Flame. It is on the nearby cliff.
IV. North Hogwarts Region #1
The first Landing Platform in North Hogwarts Region is to the west of East North Hogwarts region Floo Flame. It is near a house.
V. North Hogwarts Region #2
The second Landing Platform in North Hogwarts Regions lies in the cliffs northeast of Korrow Ruins Floo Flame.
VI. South Hogwarts Region
The Landing Platform in the South Hogwarts Region is southeast of Aranshire.
Where are the Landing Platforms in the Central area of the World Map?

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are seven Landing Platforms in the Central part of the World Map. They are in:
I. Hogwarts Valley #1
This Landing Platform is on the cliff near the Dugbog Lair. It lies northeast of the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame.
II. Hogwarts Valley #2
The Landing Platform is in the ruins southeast of the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flames. It is near the Diricawl Den.
III. Hogwarts Valley #3
The last Landing Platform in Hogwarts Valley is south of The Mine’s Eye Floo Flame. It is near the railway tracks.
IV. Feldcroft Region #1
This Landing Platform is on a cliff northeast of the North Feldcroft Floo Flames. It is close to a poacher camp.
V. Feldcroft Region #2
The Landing Platform lies southwest of the South Feldcroft Floo Flames and is close to the sea.
VI. Feldcroft Region #3
The third Landing Platform in the Feldcroft Region is inside some ruins close to the lake and the treasure vault. The Feldcroft Floo Flame is closest to it.
VII. Feldcroft Region #4
The last Landing Platform in the Feldcroft Region is near the ruins on the other side of the river from Irondale Floo Flames.
Where are the Landing Platforms in the South of the World Map?

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are seven Landing Platforms in the South of the World Map. They are in:
I. Poidsear Coast
The Landing Platform on Poidsear Coast is on the peninsula’s tip to the west of Marunweem Ruins Floo Flame.
II. Marunweem Lake #1
This Landing Platform is on the opposite side of the Marunweem Bridge Floo Flame. It is on top of a building.
III. Marunweem Lake #2
The second Landing Platform on Marunweem Lake is on the cliff south of Coastal Mine Floo Flame. A flag marks this platform.
IV. Manor Cape #1
This Landing Platform is north of West Manor Cape Floo Flame and close to the border of Marunweem Lake and the sea.
V. Manor Cape #2
The second Landing Platform is south of West Manor Cape Floo Flame. It is at the top of the cliff near the sea.
VI. Cragcroftshire
The Landing Platform at Cragcroftshire is also on top of a cliff but in the middle of the sea. It lies to the south of Cragcroft Floo Flame.
VII. Clagmar Coast
The last Landing Platform is to the southeast of Clagmar Castle. It is about halfway up a cliff close to the Graphorn den.
How to complete the Landing Platform Challenge in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, the Landing Platform challenge is to activate the platforms. Fly on your brooms and land on each platform around the magical world. On landing, each brazier of the platform lights up, and this completes the challenge.
Brooms are required to complete the Landing Platform challenges as it requires you to fly and land on them. On landing, the platform starts to rotate, and each brazier lights up one after the other. Once all the braziers have lighted up, your challenge is complete. Move on to the next Landing Platform to win rewards!
What is the reward for completing the Landing Platform challenges in Hogwarts Legacy?
For each set of Landing Platforms that are unlocked in Hogwarts Legacy, Quidditch accessories are obtained as rewards. The full Quidditch Captain set will be rewarded on unlocking all twenty Landing Platforms.
On unlocking the first two Landing Platforms, you will be able to collect the Quidditch Captain’s Uniform. The Quidditch Captain’s Helmet is the reward for the following four Landing Platforms. With six more Landing Platforms, you will get the Quidditch Captain’s Gloves, and the last eight will give you the Quidditch Captain’s Cape.
About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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