Hogwarts Legacy landing platforms are a type of collectible that can be found across the vast magical world. As the name suggests, these places are ideal landing spots for when you’re out and about on your broom and finding and igniting. Each of them will earn you a Quidditch-related award.
There are 20 landing platforms in total that you’ll need to find. If you’ve been making a point of unlocking floo flames while exploring, this particular challenge shouldn’t take you too long. Let’s now get to the Hogwarts Legacy landing platform locations.
Landing platforms can sometimes be hard to spot and are not always on the ground. The maps below show the locations for all 20 landing platforms.
1. North Ford Bog
There is 1 Landing Platform in North Ford Bog.
I. Landing Platform #1

Head to the Pitt-upon-Ford Floo Flame and go towards the southwest of the castle ruins across the river. The platform will be right before you.
2. Hogsmeade Valley
There are 2 Landing Platforms in Hogsmeade Valley.
I. Landing Platform #2
You can see the first landing platform of this region at the very northern tip of Hogsmeade Valley, close to the border with North Ford Bog. The Landing Platform is in the forest near the cliffside.

II. Landing Platform #3

The next Landing Platform can be found up on the cliffs east of Hogsmeade, just to the left of a Merlin Trial.
3. North Hogwarts Region
There are 2 Landing Platforms in the North Hogwarts Region.
I. Landing Platform #4

On top of a hill just south of the Small Bandit Camp. It’s by the river running through the area, just west of the Floo Flame, named East North Hogwarts Region.
II. Landing Platform #5

In the region’s western part, follow the river from its source, and you will eventually spot this Landing Platform on your left. It’s the opposite of where the Balloons are.
4. South Hogwarts Region
There is 1 Landing Platform in the South Hogwarts Region.
I. Landing Platform #6
It is situated to the east of Hogwarts Castle. Go to the Aranshire floo flame and fly to the south until you reach a vast arch-shaped rock. The platform will be in front of this rock.
5. Hogwarts Valley
There are 3 Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Valley.
I. Landing Platform #7
The Landing Platform can be found in the northwestern corner of the region, up on the hill to the north of the Floo Flame called West Hogwarts Valley.
II. Landing Platform #8
Go to the Keenbridge hamlet and fly northwest towards a few ruins to discover the platform in Hogwarts’s Valley region.
III. Landing Platform #9
Just north of the Floo Flame called East South Sea Bog. It’s on a hill just above where the train track ends.
6. Feldcroft Region
There are 4 Landing Platforms in the Feldcroft Region.
I. Landing Platform #10
The first Landing Platform in Feldcroft Region will be near the West Feldcroft Floo Flame. After you reach this fast-travel point, go northeast, and you might see the platform on the hill before you. Now, step on the platform to activate it.
II. Landing Platform #11
To reach the second Landing Platform, go to Feldcroft, and fly to the east till you get to a few ruins. The Landing Platform lies inside the damaged building on the left. After you land on it, the platform will activate.
III. Landing Platform #12
On the cliff right outside the Floo Flame, labeled South Feldcroft.
IV. Landing Platform #13
The Last Landing Platform in this region could be found in ruins near the Irondale hamlet. Go to the Irondale floo flame and fly southwest towards a few ruins. Before you reach the ruins, see towards the right. The platform will be on a small hill before the ruined buildings.
7. Poidsear Coast
There is 1 Landing Platform along Poidsear Coast.
I. Landing Platform #14
Go to the Marunweem Ruins flame floo and fly west above the sea towards a large rock and a few wooden scaffoldings. The landing platform will be seen on top of that giant rock.
8. Marunweem Lake
There are 2 Landing Platforms on Marunweem Lake.
I. Landing Platform #15
On a hill south of the Floo Flame called Coastal Mine. It’s positioned below some Balloons.
II. Landing Platform #16
The Landing Platform is on the top righthand structure on the bridge next to the Floo Flame, named Marunweem Bridge.
9. Manor Cape
There are 2 Landing Platforms in Manor Cape.
I. Landing Platform #17

The Landing Platform will be found towards the bottom of the cliff behind the ruined mansion southwest of the Floo Flame called Bainburgh. It’s right outside the Treasure Vault.
II. Landing Platform #18

On a large rock jutting out from the mainland roughly halfway down on the left-hand side. There are some Balloons right next to it.
10. Cragcroftshire
There is 1 Landing Platform in Cragcroftshire.
I. Landing Platform #19
It is found in this region, on the coast south of Cragcroft. Go to Cragcroft, then start to fly towards the coast to the south. You might face a huge rock emerging from the ground near the sea.
You could find the Landing Platform on top of that rock.
11. Clagmar Coast
There is 1 Landing Platform on Clagmar Coast.
I. Landing Platform #20
Here the Landing Platform will be seen to the south of the map. Just go to the Clagmar Castle floo flame and then fly towards the southeast, to the coast.
After you fly above the big cliffs near the coast, look down. You can see the platform just above the beach.
12. About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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