The Biggest Questions That “Nobody Wants This” Season 2 Needs to Answer

Although the story leaves many unanswered questions, season 2 must address them. Season 1 ends in a satisfying manner. When the Kristen Bell romantic comedy Nobody Wants This was released, it was praised for examining the difficulties that arise when two people in a relationship have different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

There are countless ways in which Joanne (Kristen Bell) and Noah (Adam Brody) seem to be the ideal couple. Their chemistry is amazing; they have similar humor and show affection differently. But their relationship is also complicated by their notable differences.

Their differing religious beliefs—Noah is Jewish, while Joanne is an atheist—are the most glaring examples. While Noah’s parents are contentedly married immigrants, Joanne comes from a divorced family. She deflects with humor, but he is at ease with vulnerability.

The couple works through most of their differences during the season, but religion becomes a point of contention that affects how Nobody Wants This Season 1 ends. Many questions concerning the couple’s future, friends, and family remain unanswered in Nobody Wants This; these issues must be resolved in season 2.

Will Joanne and Morgan’s Nobody Wants This podcast be added to Spotify?

Nobody Wants This (Netflix) Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, Beth Dover, Rachel Rosenbloom, Justine Lupe
Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, Beth Dover, Rachel Rosenbloom, Justine Lupe in Nobody Wants This | Source: IMDB

The first episode of the first season of Nobody Wants This introduces Joanne and Morgan (Justine Lupe), who host a podcast named Nobody Wants This that Spotify is thinking of purchasing.

They meet with company representatives a few times to discuss the possibility, even making live show pitches that might increase their attractiveness as an acquisition. The show abandons the plot in the final two episodes of the season, but it doesn’t address the podcast’s current state.

A problem that might keep them from landing a business deal is also introduced in Nobody Wants This. In an attempt to respect Noah’s privacy, Joanne starts to disclose less about her romantic life after they start dating, but the public doesn’t take well to this.

Joanne’s choice of what to disclose could harm the likelihood of the Spotify deal because Morgan and Joanne’s podcast is about relationships and sex in the modern world. It will be necessary for Nobody Wants This Season 2 to clarify the podcast’s situation and whether Spotify will carry it.

Will The Board Take Noah Into Account To Be The Head Rabbi?

The first season highlights that Noah can’t become head rabbi at the temple if he’s in a relationship with a non-Jewish woman. If Joanne doesn’t consider converting, he believes it’s impossible. The current head rabbi doesn’t even want to nominate him to the board. The temple board isn’t shown in the series, so no one in authority has formally stated that Noah can’t get the job.

“Who Wants This” should introduce the board members and their perspectives if the program is renewed for a second season. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that policies have changed for rabbis with non-Jewish partners. It would be interesting to see a head rabbi in an interfaith marriage in a position of power.

Are Sasha and Morgan Planning to Cheat on Esther?

One of the least satisfying subplots in Nobody Wants This is how Sasha and Morgan’s friendship is developing. What binds these two together is that they are viewed as the “loser siblings.” Fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with Sasha and Morgan’s friendship. Sasha’s intentions appear more questionable because he conceals their communication and lies to Esther about it.

In addition, Morgan admits to Joanne early on in Nobody Wants This that she had a sexual dream about Sasha. She acknowledges that when she shops at thrift stores, she makes bad sexual choices. Then, in the first season finale, she clarifies to Sasha that their friendship isn’t typical. Sadly, there seems to be a plot point where Sasha cheats on Esther by seeing Morgan.

Ideally, they don’t go there because this affair has the potential to destroy almost every relationship in the show. That being said, it seems imperative that the subplot be addressed somehow in Nobody Wants This Season 2.

Is Miriam Going To Go Out With Caleb?

Erin Foster has a possible direction for Miriam’s character in season 2. In the fourth episode of “Nobody Wants This,” Miriam runs home upset after receiving a text from her friend Caleb. To keep Caleb from finding out about her crush, Sasha makes up an account for a different girl with the same first name and sends him a date request.

In response, Caleb says he prefers a different Miriam to Sasha and Miriam. They interpret it as referring to Miriam Roklov, which makes her happy, and that is where the plot concludes. The exchange might just be a starting point for Miriam and her father’s relationship, advancing his personal growth.

That being said, Nobody Wants This Season 2 might carry on with this plot. Seeing how Miriam behaves away from her family would be interesting because, in many ways, she seems to be Joanne’s antithesis. Neither of them fits the stereotype of the Roklovs.

What Kind of Judaism Are Temple Chai And Noah Roklov Following?

Not revealing what kind of Judaism Noah and Temple Chai follow is one of the biggest errors Nobody Wants This made in season 1. A given religion’s rules, beliefs, and customs can differ substantially among its branches.

It’s not obvious from their lack of clarification what Jewish movement they belong to or whether Noah derives his opinions about what is and isn’t acceptable from rules, attitudes within the congregation, or personal values.

These are all equally plausible explanations. It’s possible that his parents taught him the religion from an early age because they seem to hold more rigid views about it than individuals like Rabbi Shirah.

His particular congregation might lean toward tradition. On the other hand, Temple Chai might be associated with a more traditional Jewish movement. Ultimately, Nobody Wants This Season 2 must respond to this query. Given that the branches have different policies regarding interfaith marriage for the congregation and the rabbis, it will become especially crucial.

Is Temple Chai Home To Any Other Interfaith Pairs?

Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024)
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024) | Source: IMDB

Building upon the tradition of Judaism, Nobody Wants Whether there are interfaith couples at Temple Chai needs to be made clear in this second season. Noah says in the first season that marrying a Jew and a non-Jew would be problematic.

A Hey Alma article by Evelyn Frick states that while Reform rabbis are discouraged from officiating interfaith weddings, they are not forbidden from doing so either. A Conservative Jewish rabbi would not be permitted to perform such a wedding.

Even though there may be limitations on performances, interfaith couples are still welcome to attend Conservative temples. While Temple Chai in Nobody Wants This is a component of Conservative Judaism, the Rabbinical Assembly supports accepting non-Jewish spouses nonetheless.

Given how common interfaith marriage is, it seems unlikely that Temple Chai has any interfaith couples. The second season of Nobody Wants This could introduce an interfaith couple to the main characters, providing them with outside support, as Noah and Joanne remain together after the first season.

Is Joanne’s Decision To Reconsider Conversion Going to Affect Others?

Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024)
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This | Source: IMDB

Joanne, who loves Noah, somewhat haphazardly decides to convert to Judaism in the season one finale of Nobody Wants This. Although she makes this decision with the best intentions, she is unaware of all the requirements and ramifications. After breaking the news to Noah, he tells a few people at the bat mitzvah.

Additionally, he implies that Joanne is converting when he instructs the chief rabbi to submit his nomination to the board. There wouldn’t have been as much of a fallout for her to change her mind if Noah had been the only one aware of the potential conversion.

But, since Noah informs others, others will undoubtedly disagree with her decision, which needs to be addressed in Nobody Wants This Season 2. Bina will likely be pleased to hear that Joanne isn’t converting because she disapproves of Noah and Joanne’s relationship. The news will likely infuriate the chief rabbi. Apart from those two people, how others will receive the news is unclear.

In Nobody Wants This Season 2, will Bina finally win Joanne over?

Before the premiere of Nobody Wants This, many Jews expressed concerns about the show falling into stereotypes. The overbearing Jewish mother stereotype was a common complaint voiced by Jewish writers and viewers, and it needs to be addressed in Season 2.

Bina’s character in “Nobody Wants This” is already established, so the show can’t fully reinvent her. Hopefully, in season 2, her character will grow beyond the cruel stereotype, but she may not have to accept Joanne fully. If the show is renewed, there may be an opportunity to give Bina more depth.

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About Nobody Wants This

Nobody Wants This is an American romantic comedy television series created by Erin Foster, starring Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, Justine Lupe and Timothy Simons, centered on the unlikely relationship between an outspoken, agnostic woman and an unconventional Jewish rabbi. The series premiered on September 26, 2024, on Netflix.

On March 1, 2023, it was announced that Netflix had greenlit a comedy series created by Erin Foster based loosely on Foster’s real-life experiences. It was also announced that Kristen Bell would have a main role in the series, and Steven Levitan would serve as co-executive producer on the series along with Foster and Bell.

On May 15, 2024, the series was given the title Nobody Wants This, and a release date of September 26, 2024, on Netflix.

The series is being executive-produced by Erin Foster, Kristen Bell, Steven Levitan, Craig DiGregorio, Sara Foster, Danielle Stokdyk, Oly Obst and Josh Lieberman for 3 Arts Entertainment. Production companies involved with this series are Steven Levitan Productions, 3 Arts Entertainment, and 20th Television


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