Tower of God is a Manhwa series created by the Korean artist SIU that takes place as a Talse Uzer Story. This widely popular series, however, is just one reality within the Talse Uzer Story universe. What exactly is TUS? Will the existence of TUS affect the story of Tower of God?
1. What is Talse Uzer story?
A Talse Uzer Story, TUS in short, is the story set in Talse Uzer, the universe that Tower of God is set in.
The TUS is a universe that exists under the premise that the world comprises several tales as its centre, and these tales persist as unchangeable records. In other words, in Talse Uzer Stories, the past cannot change, and the future is already set.

Once written, a tale from the Talse Uzer universe cannot be set back or restored to a previous state. Hence, the past is permanent, which in turn restricts future events. It’s a universe that rejects the existing hypothesis that the world holds infinite possibilities.
2. Is Tower of God the only TUS?
Tower of God is a Manhwa series created by the Korean artist SIU that takes place as a Talse Uzer Story.
While Tower of God is one of the ‘several stories‘ that take place in Talse Uzer, these stories do not have much connection to each other.
Up to this point, Tower of God is the only ‘official’ TUS in Talse Uzer since SIU has yet to publish any other Talse Uzer Stories. However, unofficial series such as the Tailse User story had been posted by him on Naver in 2006.
3. Is Phantaminum from Tower of God?
According to SIU, Phantaminum is a top-level character of the whole Talse Uzer universe. From a world-building perspective, Phantaminum predates the Tower of God story. He is among the top 5 axis users in the entire TUS universe.

In fact, SIU does not know whether Phantaminum will ever appear in the Tower of God story despite being an important character.
I. What is an Axis?
An Axis User, also known as an Axis, is a person with the power to influence a “tale” within the Talse Uzer Story. They are the greatest variables that determine the future. There are many Axes outside the Tower, with Phantaminum being one of the strongest.
A non-Axis User is unable to interfere in any way, meaning even the weakest Axis could defeat the strongest non-Axis. An Axis User can only be defeated by a more powerful Axis.
In the Tower of God universe, Phantaminum is the ‘author’, or God, of one ‘story’ in the universe. In exchange for taking on the responsibility of managing this story, he is given total authority over the events that occur in the story. He is able to ‘write’ records that cannot be erased or changed.
Every Axis has the power to generate space around them, in which they can use a unique power that cannot be denied or negated. Under the specifications of this ability, an Axis can control some aspects of reality within their own field.
There are several types of Exes – Strikers, Observers, and Phantom Controllers.
4. Are there any other TUS?
Tower of God is the only official story published by SIU in the Talse Uzer story. However, in 2006, he posted an unofficial webcomic called Tailse User that also took place in the same TUS universe.
The webcomic itself is about intergalactic wars, Axes, and some normal teenagers caught in a conspiracy.
5. About Tower of God
Tower of God is a South Korean web-toon written and drawn by Lee Jong-hui, also known by the pen-name SIU.

The story revolves around a boy named Baam. Baam only has one person that he loves and cares about, and that is his friend Rachel. When Rachel goes into the Tower, Baam follows her. Rachel vanishes, and thus Baam starts his journey to get her back.
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