A brand-new phenomenon similar to Dynamax and Mega Evolution was introduced with the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. This phenomenon is called Terastallization.
It allows your Pokemon to have an additional type besides its regular type, called Tera type. Just like Max Raid Battles in Sword and Shield, you can challenge the Terastallized Pokemon in Tera Raid Battles.
The more stars a Tera Raid Battle challenge has, the higher its difficulty. 5 and 6-star Tera Raids are quite difficult to finish, but with the right team, you can easily one-shot these raids.
Check out what are the recommended levels for attempting each difficulty level of Tera Raids and which Pokemon should you use for the battles.
Recommended Pokemon level for Tera Raids
Difficulty | Recommended Pokemon Level | Boss Level |
1 star | 15-20 | 12 |
2 stars | 20-35 | 20 |
3 stars | 40-50 | 35 |
4 stars | 50-65 | 45 |
5 stars | 80-90 | 75 |
6 stars | 95-100 | 90 |
Best Pokemon for Tera Raid Battles
Best physical attackers in Pokemon Violet
All physical attackers must have Adamant nature. Physical attackers focus on breaking through the defense.
I. Iron Hands

Iron Hands, a Paradox Pokemon found only in the Violet version, is one of the most broken Pokemon in Tera Raids. Use Belly Drum to raise its attack by 6 stages, and then use Drain Punch to hit the enemy and heal at the same time.
II. Perrserker

All-Perrserker team is all the rage in Scarlet and Violet nowadays. Spam Screech and then use hidden Steely Spirit ability to boost steel-type moves. The boosted stats will help you one-shot your enemy with a steel-type move easily.
III. Cetitan

If you don’t have Screech support team, you can always swap in Cetitan as a support since it has Belly Drum. Cetitan is also one of the Pokemon that has the highest HP, so you don’t have to worry about being one-shot by your opponent.
IV. Azumarill

Azumarill is relatively easy to catch in any Pokemon game, so if you want to use Belly Drum but don’t have a Paradox Pokemon such as Iron Hands, you can substitute it for Azumarill. Azumarill has high power as well, and it is quite effective against Dragon, Fire, and Ground types.
Best special attackers in Pokemon Violet
All special attackers must have Modest nature. Special attackers can lower the defense of your opponents, but they can also hit hard enough with their moves if other defense-lowering allies are present.
I. Miraidon

Miraidon truly lives up to its reputation as the Violet-exclusive legendary, since it can pretty much one-shot the enemies with a Charge attack. Use Charge as you first move and follow it up with Electro Drift.
If you aren’t able to one-shot your opponent, don’t use Charge again. Instead, use Metal Sound to lower the Special Defense stat.
II. Iron Moth

5-star and 6-star raid opponents are quite infamous for using a sturdy shield when things get sticky. Thankfully, Iron Moth’s Acid Spray can easily break through the shield and lower the defense stat of its opponent by 2.
This move is particularly helpful when you are in a team full of special attackers.
III. Gholdengo

Gholdengo’s charisma lies in its immunity and resistance. It can resist around 12 types of Pokemon, which allows it to fend off attacks of most of the Tera Raid Pokemon.
Gholdengo also has quite diverse setup moves. You can use its Meta Sound ability to lower the opponent’s Special Defense, and you can also boost the Special Attack of your team by using Nasty Plot. If you have none of these abilities, Confuse Ray can be used to make the enemies hurt themselves.
IV. Glimmora
Glimmora can be used as a substitute for Iron Moth if you want to use Acid Spray. Use its Special Attack after the Acid Spray since Glimmora has boosted Special Attack inherently.
Best supports in Pokemon Violet
Support Pokemon should have a Bold or Impish nature to boost Defense, and Calm or Careful nature to boost Special Defense. These Pokemon should not focus on attacking.
I. Blissey

A healthy Blissey not only alleviates damage you take but also heals your team by using Life Dew. Use Reflect and Light Screen to reduce any damage and to boost your defenses. If you don’t have a Blissey, use a Chansey instead.
II. Umbreon

Umbreon is a highly flexible support that I recommend using in your team, irrespective of its nature. Umbreon has Fake Tears and Screech, so you can easily use it in a Physical or Special attackers-focused team to break down the enemy’s defense.
Moreover, Skill Swap is a handy ability you can use to power through Pokemon like Corviknight or Garganacl.
Best Teams for Tera Raids in Pokemon Violet

A good raid team will have at least 2 attackers who hit hard and one support. Here are some of the best teams you can use to defeat Tera Raid bosses easily.
I. All-Perrserker team
You can lead a team of 4 Perrserkers if you have friends that have built their Perrserker properly. Follow this attack pattern while fighting the bosses if you are using this team.
Turn 1: Lower the defense using Screech/Fake Tears.
Turn 2: Let one of the teammates cheer ‘Go All Out’ while the others use a steel-type move such as Iron Head to attack.
Repeat the process if you couldn’t one-shot the opponent.
II. Physical Attacker Team
This team consists of Iron Hands, Perrserker, Iron Moth, and Umbreon.
Turn 1: Iron Hands uses Belly Drum. Perrserker uses Screech. Iron Moth uses Acid Spray, and Umbreon uses Screech.
Turn 2: Iron Hands uses Drain Punch, Perrserker uses Iron Head, and Iron Moth uses Sludge Wave/Overheat/Energy Ball depending on your opponent’s type, and Umbreon uses Screech again if the enemy doesn’t die.
III. Special Attacker Team
This team consists of Miraidon, Iron Moth, Azumarill, and Umbreon.
Turn 1: Miraidon uses Charge, Iron Moth uses Acid Spray, Azumarill uses Belly Drum, and Umbreon uses Fake Tears.
Turn 2: Miraidon uses Electro Drift, Iron Moth uses Sludge Wave/Overheat/Energy Ball depending on your opponent’s type, and Umbreon uses Screech again if the enemy doesn’t die.
About Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Game
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are role-playing games developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo and The Pokemon Company. The game released on November 18, 2022, and marks the beginning of the ninth generation in the Pokemon Franchise.
Introducing 107 new pokemon and an open-world landscape, the game takes place in the Paldea region. Players can choose from three separate stories. The game also introduces a new feature – Terastal phenomenon, which allows players to change the type of pokemon and transform them into their Tera Type.
The game has sold over 10 million units in the first three days of its release.
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