The Walls and Shadows quest in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla falls into the line of quests in Lunden. The Lunden storyline begins with Walls and Shadows and takes players to the city of Lunden, where they have to conduct an investigation.
To complete the Walls and Shadows quest in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla:
- Head to Lunden;
- Investigate Tryggr’s murder; and
- Investigate the Temple of Mithras.
The quest storyline will introduce two new characters: Stowe and Erke, who’ll play significant roles in the quest. It’s a decently short quest, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up too much of your time. Now with that out of the way, let’s dive into the details.
1. How to begin the Walls and Shadows quest?
To begin this quest, make the pledge on the Alliance Map in Ravensthorpe by talking to Randvi. The quest has a suggested power level of 90, so be sure to be well equipped.

After that you’ll have to travel to Lunden where the real quest begins. Lunden is located in the southern part of England.

Upon reaching the marker, a cutscene will trigger in which you’ll meet Stowe, who’s also the Sheriff of West Lunden. After this cutscene, you’ll be dropped into an unarmed combat section against some soldiers sent by Avgos. Defeating them will trigger another cutscene.

You’ll be presented with several dialogue options, and you can choose any of them to continue; it doesn’t really matter. But if you want to pursue a romance with Stowe, then select the dialogue option with a heart next to it. Keep in mind that choosing it will not lead to any sort of romance whatsoever.
After choosing a dialogue option to proceed, follow Stowe, and he’ll take you to the Governor’s Villa, where your bloody investigation begins.
2. Investigating Tryggr’s Murder

Upon arriving at the Governor’s Villa, you’ll learn that the leader of Lunden, Tryggr, has been murdered. You’ll need to investigate the room to find out what happened to him and who might be responsible for his death.
There’ll be four clues that you need to examine to complete this objective:
- The first clue is a letter that is nailed to Tryggr’s headless corpse in the middle of the room.
- The second clue is the footprints located at the entrance of the property.
- The third clue is a barber-surgeon’s tools hidden behind some wooden crates in the corner of the room, which can be broken.
- The fourth clue is the corpse of a hanged man located on the ceiling.
After finding all the clues, head to the ruins of the Temple of Mithras, which is located to the east of the mansion. The entrance to the Temple will be at the center of the ruins.

3. Investigating the Temple of Mithras

The temple is filled with a bunch of guards that you can either sneak past or just kill. Head down the stairs, go left, and there’ll be a giant crack in the wall, which is the Temple’s entrance.
Go forward, then drop down the ledge to begin the investigation. Here, you’ll have to find clues again to connect the dots behind Tryggr’s murder:
The first clue is a letter, which will be located on the right side of the big room.

On the left side of the room will be the second clue, which is a set of surgical tools lying on a wooden table.

The final clue is a letter that is located behind a barricaded door. To get there, first move the rack beside the wooden table containing the surgical tools. Slide through the crack, move along the path, take two rights, and you’ll notice a wooden wall in front, which can be broken with an arrow, and the clue will be lying inside on a table.

Be sure to loot the chest to the left of the wooden wall to obtain the Briston Shield.

After finding all the clues, the investigation will conclude. Return to the Governor’s Villa to tell Stowe and Erke what you found inside the Temple, and the quest will end.
4. About Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the twelfth instalment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise developed and published by Ubisoft. It follows the story of a Norwegian Viking, Eivor Varinsdottir, who longs for all the riches and resources available in England. However, when he meets resistance from the Saxons, especially king Aelfred of Wessex, he must carry out what’s necessary to achieve Valhalla in the afterlife.
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