Horizon Forbidden West is launching in less than four days, and it is going to be one of the biggest PlayStation releases of the year. The reviews so far have been overwhelmingly positive, which is an excellent sign for a game that has been hyped to such a degree.
Fans will have to wait a little while before they can finally get their hands on the game, but it seems the internet is now rife with spoilers, courtesy of a trophy list leak.
Trophy tracking websites, that help players achieve platinum, have started listing the various trophies included in Horizon Forbidden West. Some of the trophies are pretty predictable, where players are rewarded for leveling up Aloy, taking over Rebel Camps, overriding Tallnecks, defeating the various machines in the world, and just exploring all the game has to offer in general.

The main story quests trophies are still hidden from view, but you can now see the one involving side quests, complete with spoilers.
Taking a look at the trophy list could expose players to some major spoilers. So, it may be best to hold off until you actually start playing the game yourself. Some of the spoilers are relatively minor and won’t affect players too much, but they could ruin some of the side content, and one spoils a very significant moment from later on in the game’s main story.

Spoilers were already a worry for Horizon Forbidden West fans as the PS4 build had leaked a while ago. Now it makes even more sense to be wary on game forums.
Unfortunately, the trophy list could spoil certain aspects of the game for players, but it does give players the chance to preplan their playthrough, as long as they don’t mind the spoilers.
As is indicated by the trophies, the game has several important side quests that players can complete. There are also new Cauldrons that will teach players how to override new machines and much more to keep people busy.
About Horizon Forbidden West
Horizon Forbidden West is the sequel to 2017’s Horizon Zero Dawn by Guerilla Games. An open-world, action adventure game, players control Aloy, a Nora hunter who is on a quest to reverse the effects of a strange crimson blight which is infecting the land. Set in a completely new world, Horizon Forbidden West has many new machines, threats and adventures for Aloy.
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