The previous episode of Tower of God season 2 ended with Viole finding a mysterious man whose face was covered in bandages in his room. Meanwhile, Anaak and Ran were pitted against each other in the next match, so we’re expecting an interesting match in the next episode.
In this article, we’ll look into the release date and speculations for episode 20 of Tower of God. We’ll also recap the main events of episode 19, so please ensure that you’re caught up before reading, as this article contains spoilers from the latest episode.
1. Tower of God Season 2 Episode 20 Release Date
The 20th episode of Tower of God will be aired on Sunday, the 17th of November, 2024. It can be streamed from its official source: Crunchyroll.
I. Is Tower of God On Break?
No. Tower of God season 2 will have its 20th episode aired on Sunday as per schedule without delay.
2. Recap of Episode 19
Before the match between Anaak and Ran started, Ran demanded that he should be fighting Anaak one-on-one. The admins agreed to this, and right before they exchanged blows, Ran swallowed a lightning pill that gave him a temporary boost.

Right when Anaak thought she had the upper hand in the battle like she did the last time, Ran proved her wrong by demonstrating his sudden surge in power. While he was able to shoot powerful lightning, he was lacking in aim and couldn’t knock her out. After this, Ran explained to her that the pill that he ate would strengthen him, but it would render him weak after 5 minutes. This would mean that Anaak could easily win so long as she evaded Ran for 5 minutes.
Ran was sure that Anaak’s arrogance wouldn’t let her win the match by running away from an opponent who she thought was weaker than her. This was the trap that Ran set up for her- and she fell right into it. Anaak got a good blow from Ran’s lightning right to the stomach, and she fell to the ground.

Right when everyone thought Ran had won, Anaak got on her feet again and told Ran that she charged in not because of her arrogance but it was because she didn’t have the choice to run away. After this, she showed a sudden surge of strength and was evenly matched in battle against Ran, but right before they exchanged their last blows, Paracule popped out of nowhere, causing them to get distracted. They fell into the water and became unconscious, bringing an anticlimactic ending to the battle.

Meanwhile, Viole was confronting the strange man in the room (his name is Beta). Beta describes Viole as the “finished product” of a human-weapon hybrid, which is why he’s so valuable to FUG. He also suggests that Viole himself is the ultimate prize in the workshop battle, something Viole later confirms to Emily. While Viole doesn’t seem troubled by being a humanoid weapon, he is curious about the experiments that created him and the full extent of his powers.
That evening, after the match ended, the Workshop celebrated the tournament. Viole sought out Beta, and once they met, Beta shared some crucial details. The demonic object fused with Viole is called a Thorn, though it’s just a replica of the more powerful original. The real Thorn is kept in the Workshop, and if FUG can get their hands on it, they plan to give it to Viole, making him even stronger—but still under their control. To obtain the Thorn on his terms, Viole must steal it from the Workshop.

The episode ended in an interesting turn of events. Rak went off to find the “black turtle” and found himself at the FUG’s lodge. Yihwa accompanied him to ensure that nothing would go wrong. Over there, they bumped into Endorsi (quite literally) and Rak had a reunion with Bam, and they had quite an emotional moment.
3. What Will Happen In Episode 20?
We can assume that the next round of the workshop battle will begin after the previous episode’s after-party. Rak may have his reunion with Bam, but one can’t be sure about how much Bam would talk to Rak or how long he’d stay.
Besides this, since the previous episode also featured Beta falling into the sea while speaking of a threat that he’d planted somewhere, we’d be getting more of an idea about the “despair” that he spoke of.
4. About Tower of God
Tower of God is a South Korean web-toon written and drawn by Lee Jong-hui, also known by the pen-name SIU.
The story revolves around a boy named Baam. Baam only has one person that he loves and cares about, and that is his friend Rachel.
When Rachel goes into the Tower, Baam follows her. Rachel vanishes, and thus Baam starts his journey to get her back.
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