The superheroes and supervillains in the MCU wouldn’t be who they are without their weapons. The swords, scepters, armors, shields, and countless other really cool weapons never cease to blow our minds. But, like literally, that’s their job!
So who do you think wields the strongest weapon in the universe? Is it a superhero or a supervillain? Well, how about we list ‘em out and find out.
Here’s my list of the top 15 strongest weapons in the MCU! Now, hold on to your hats (even though you aren’t wearing any while reading this) and begin!
15 Captain America’s Shield And Winter Soldier’s Arm
I know we’ve started with a tie! But the competition is as fierce as it can get!

Both these items that Rocket would for sure want to buy were made of vibranium, which is a metal that was considered to be indestructible at the time.
However, just like in Iron Man’s vision, the shield was broken by Thanos as he relentlessly hit it with his double-edged sword, and boy was it a painful moment. As for Bucky’s arm, I guess that’s still intact, and Rocket hasn’t stolen it.
Since both weapons were made of vibranium, their flexibility to tensile strength ratio was so impeccable and unreal that it didn’t obey the laws of physics. Or at least that’s what Spiderman said.

Vibranium is not only bulletproof; it reflects off Iron Man’s blasters and can withstand Thor’s hammer. So number 15 it is!
14 Black Panther’s Suit AKA Panther Habit
Honestly, if I had to rank weapons by how cool their names were, this one would rank much higher!
Just like Captain’s Shield, even this suit is made with vibranium and is nearly indestructible. In addition, the suit enhances all abilities of the one wearing it by making them more agile, enduring, faster, and even helps them leap much higher.
The suit had in-built technology that could absorb all the kinetic energy when it came in contact with hits and smashes without harming the person wearing it. And once it was completely charged, Black Panther could release all that energy as an explosion.
The Claws give this suit a wild panther feel and help climb buildings, scale walls, and ripping things off.
But what makes this suit the coolest is that it has a Habit earpiece that allows T’Chala to hear noises and sounds imperceptible to ordinary human beings.
13 Dr. Strange’s Sling Ring

This weapon looks small and insignificant but can transport you to different locations and even dimensions. I know creating portals might not be a huge deal by its looks, but it is essentially cutting through space.
So let’s say if Captain America’s shield was halfway through a portal and Dr. Strange close it, the shield would break or instead literally slice through it like a piece of cake.
I guess big things do come in small packages!
12 Yondu’s Yaka Arrow
Probably the single most fun weapon to wield is Yondu’s arrow. It’s almost like a Texan walking through the desert whistling his favorite tune while the arrow pierces through people’s chests, brains, and essentially any part of the body.
The arrow was forged by the Yaka metal by Centaurians. Its design is literally beyond my understanding cause you’ll never grasp the concept behind it. The different kinds of sonic frequencies of the whistle will make the arrow react accordingly.
Now that I think of it, whistling through an entire battle while fighting hundreds of enemies sort of sounds exhausting. I mean, I’d be out of breath. Thank god Yondu just walks while wielding this weapon and does not run. It’s good thinking on his part.
11 The Ten Rings
Just when you thought one ring was enough to wreak havoc, you’re presented with 10. I mean, they aren’t the same because this one’s more lethal!

Though little is known about how the ten rings will be depicted and used in the MCU, according to the comics, it is said to bring considerable power to the person who wears it. In fact, each ring is said to contain the soul of a legendary warrior and thus gives impeccable cosmic power to whoever wields it.
And that definitely sounds quite intriguing. Each ring has a specific power ability that one can train in and attain mastery.
Honestly, as cool as all of this sounds, these ten rings were worn by the Mandarin who lead a terrorist organization known as ten rings. I know right, all of sudden such power and character are brought down to being merely a terrorist.
However, we don’t know anything yet, but it would be exciting to see how the mandarin is depicted using these ten rings.
10 Iron Man’s Bleeding Edge Armor
If there’s one guy who knows how to make his own weapon, it’s Tony Stark. The list of capabilities of the Bleeding Edge Armor is exhaustively long. So how about we talk about its best parts. I mean, even the worst parts of this armor would be too cool for us and leave us dumbfounded.
This is the first suit that is powered by nano-tech. It can take any shape and size mid-combat, which means all Tony has to do is think of it, and it’ll happen. Of course, this means it might be connected somehow to his brain’s neural network as well.
What else can you expect from Iron Man? He loves building machines so much, and he’s now doing it with his mind while fighting off bad guys or the biggest bad guys in the universe.
It gives him superhuman strength, agility, flight and has repulsors that he can just blast off mid-air and deflect objects. If this is not all, the armor also has healing devices that can aid Iron Man and others quickly as a mechanism for first aid.
Now, let me stop acting like a sales manager trying to sell this product because you definitely are not worthy of it. Speaking of being worthy, Thor’s Mjolnir is going to come soon.
9 Loki’s Chitauri Scepter
Honestly, it should be called Loki’s Scepter because no one can wield it like him. I mean, Loki in Avengers uses this scepter like a Nerf dart gun, shooting it whenever he pleases; however, he pleases, and it doesn’t matter who is in front of him. I mean, it should to him, cause if it did, he could’ve been wiser and won the battle of New York.

The scepter is powered by Mind Stone that is one of the six infinity stones. This means its powers are cosmic. It can project energy blasts and manipulate the minds of the people who come in contact with it or even in its vicinity.
The scepter can also hold the consciousness of the wielder, allowing them to communicate with others across space and time. It was also the key to opening the portal to outer space from where the Chitauri entered the Earth.
8 Heimdall’s Hofund

Hofund or otherwise known as the Bifrost sword, helped create the Bifrost bridges to other realms. It’s essentially the only way people from Asgard traverse through the nine realms. It’s used as any other sword during combat but is powered by magic.
In fact, even when Heimdall was dying, with whatever little magic Hofund possessed, Heimdall transported Hulk onto Earth.
7 Thor’s Mjolnir

Mjolnir was forged by the dwarves of the Asgardian Royal Family in the heart of a dying star. It is said to be indestructible (why does it happen that every time something is deemed indestructible, it breaks) and is the channel for Thor’s powers.
It can reach anyone who’s worthy of it no matter where it is, and only the worthy ones can wield it. The weapon’s structure is also very well-made, and as Vision says, it’s “terribly well-balanced.”
But my favorite use of this weapon lies in it being used as a defibrillator in End Game when Ant-Man pulls one of Iron Man’s arc reactor’s wires.
6 Hela’s Necroswords

Necroswords are perhaps the most kick-ass weapons I have seen a supervillain wield. If I were to act like a salesman trying to sell something again, I would say these can come in various shapes and sizes based on the imagination and command of Hela – The Goddess Of Death.
Basically, it can be anything you want it to be since Hela uses all the necro energy to summon these. She even managed to slash one of Thor’s eyes, thus making him like Odin! As I said, these swords can kick ass!
5 Surtur’s Twilight Sword

Fire demon Surtur’s twilight sword was so fiery that it could even best Hela and her crosswords. The sword could literally breathe fire and could destroy an entire planet.
Its size is as huge and proportionate to Surtur’s size. It appears when Surtur is revied by Loki with the eternal flame and disappears when he dies as he absorbs its energy.
Honestly, I can’t believe a sword can kill an entire planet.
4 Odin’s Gungnir
Odin’s Gungnir was a deceptively strong spear and had a multitude of abilities. Not only did it control the Destroyer that Loki sent to Earth, but it was powered by magic.
It could act as a Bifrost without Heimdall’s sword, harness dark energy to banish Thor from Asgard and to Earth, and could project energy blasts and kill many enemies at once. It was indeed a weapon of the gods!
3 Thor’s Stormbreaker
You know, when Thor feels low, he doesn’t get new toys. He just gets new weapons made for him that is stronger than his strongest weapon. I hope no one says it’s indestructible because I bet it will break before it can break the storm.
The Dwarf forged the Stormbreaker, and Thor truly deserved it since he withstood the entire energy force of the dying star for a full minute.
An enchanted ax, it could even summon the Bifrost. It was so close to cutting through Thanos’ chest, and seriously why didn’t he go for the head? It returns to the worthy ones no matter where it is, just like Mjolnir. I know even Thanos could wield it. So was he worthy? I guess that’s a question for another time.
This weapon was strong; it could withstand and pierce through the energy blasts from the infinity stones and help the one wielding it to fly.
2 Eye Of Agamotto
The ancient Sorcerer Supreme created the Eye Of Agamotto as a means to contain the Time Stone. The relic was so strong that it could harness the stone’s power and allowed the wielder to control its power without even touching it.

The eye can control the flow of time and even give its wielders the ability of clairvoyance. That’s how the ancient one traveled through time to understand the dark dimension, and that’s how even Dr. Strange could foresee 14 million-odd timelines and futures.
I guess thanks to the Eye Of Agamotto, we got to know how probabilities were not really in our favor during Infinity War, but humans being humans, they held onto the hope for this 1 in a 14 million chance to get everyone back.
1 Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet
Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet is the strongest weapon in the MCU and can harness the power of all six infinity stones together. Thanos used it to wipe off half of the entire universe in just one snap. The gauntlet was, in fact, so powerful that it could withstand the full force of the infinity stones twice!

The gauntlet was made such that even the stones were attracted to it. The material was probably the strongest and formidable. So much so that wielding it wouldn’t cause as much harm to the person as in the case of the Nano Gauntlet.
Eitri purposely added the only flaw the Gauntlet had was that to wield it, one had to clench their fists. That’s why when Thor arrived in Infinity War, Thanos was off-guard and hence couldn’t use its entire power.
And that’s it, guys! That is the list.
About Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and shared universe centered on a series of superhero films and TV series, independently produced by Marvel Studios and based on characters that appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
The franchise includes comic books, short films, television series, and digital series. The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters.
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