If you’re new to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, you need to know what Stands are. A Stand is a manifestation of the user’s soul energy, possessing awesome and absurd power, each better than the next.
There are literally hundreds of Stands in the franchise. Most of them are named after famous musicians and their music, or after Tarot Cards.
Every one of them is unique, although some abilities may overlap in terms of base power. Stands can be deadly with or without the skill of their users.
From Stands that can manipulate time to Stands that can even alter reality, these are the top 15 strongest Stands in anime.
15 Alessi – Sethan
Sethan is an esoteric mysterious Stand that manifests as Alessi, its user’s shadow. Along with mimicking its user’s skills, Sethan can also act of its own volition by emerging from any surface.

Sethan has a cool ability – it can reverse the age of anyone that comes in contact with it. In a battle, the opponent can be reduced to a 7-year-old child or even to a foetus.
If for instance the opponent had not acquired their Stand at birth, they also lose their Stand. What’s more, it’s not just their bodies that are aged backward – their mental age is reversed too.
14 Boingo – Tohth
Tohth would definitely be quite an invincible Stand were it not for its user. Tohth can predict the future.

The Stand manifests as a comic book that shows the users events that haven’t happened yet, not just seconds in the future, but several minutes.
Key events pertinent to the reader are showed in detailed clarity. The things in the book are destined to matter no matter what, although sometimes in unexpected ways.
13 Panacotta Fugo – Purple Haze
Purple Haze is essentially a deadly virus. A purple haze is released whenever the Stand burst one of the three bulbs on its hands. This gas can decompose flesh at a frighteningly fast rate.

Any living thing that comes within the range of the virus is pretty much dead meat. This applies to the user too because Purple Haze doesn’t really care who its killing.
All bodily functions are hijacked by Purple Haze, and the virus multiplies so rapidly within the human body that the person will be consumed by it within 30 seconds of contact.
12 Shigechi – Harvest
Harvest is made up of 500 minions, each with divided strength. These tiny units have strength so strong that they can punch through flesh.

During a combat, Harvest has the strength of number – it can attack the target from multiple angles and finish them off faster than singular Stand of similar power. Harvest can also carry its user using super speed and defy gravity by scaling buildings.
Each unit of Harvest also possesses a hypodermic needle, with which it can inject anything into its opponents. Harvest is also good at hunting, gathering, and dismantling any item the user wishes for, and that too, across a large range, like an entire town.
11 Risotto Nero – Metallica
Metallica basically has the ability to manipulate iron. It is pretty strong in that it is made of an army of small metallic beings that reside within its user – Risotto Nero. Using the power of magnetism, this Stand, not unlike Magneto from The X-men, can move iron and metal in the earth.

In a terrifying but amazing scene, Metallica helps turn the iron in Doppio’s blood into sharp metallic pieces that rip him from the inside.
Metallica can also help turn its user invisible by covering his body in iron particles that reflect the light from the sun.
10 Masazo – Cheap Trick
Cheap Trick is a parasitic Stand, which uses up its User’s mental resources before killing them and finding another one.

This Stand attaches to the back of any person, essentially turning it into the host. Since the host cannot attack it without inflicting any damage to themselves, there is no way to remove Cheap Trick off their back.
Cheap Trick is pretty invincible – any attack is a win for it, since it wears down the host. It can also converse with animals and non-Stand users, making them think it is the host talking.
9 Yoshikage Kira – Killer Queen
Killer Queen can turn any object or person into a bomb and make them explode at whim. By manipulating explosive energy within the object or subject (dead or alive), he can charge them and make them explode in creative ways.

Killer Queen manifests 2 other types of bombs. The Sheer Heart Attack is an autonomous bomb that can detach from the Stand’s hand to find and engage with a target to blow them up.
Bites the Dust is the third type of bomb. It is a mini version of Killer Queen and can be planted inside a human target. It can then explode, killing multiple people. Aside from this, it can also create a time loop ensuring every person who is killed by it, is destined to do so all the time.
8 Jotaro Kujo & Dio Brando – Star Platinum & The World
The World and Star Platinum are both similar in ability and power and make up two of the most daunting Stands in the entire series.

Both can stop time, The World for nine seconds and Star Platinum for five. The World is stronger in terms of its signature time freezing ability and range of effect.
Star Platinum trumps it in terms of its insane physical and sensory abilities, like super speed, strength, sight, and precision. Star Platinum is also adept at sneak attacks and coupled with its user Jotaro’s tactical cleverness makes for a formidable opponent.
7 Diavolo – King Crimson, Epitaph
Diavolo, with the help of his Stand King Crimson and the sub-Stand Epitaph, can erase time and look into the future for a brief period of ten seconds. But ten seconds is more than enough for Diavolo to foresee events and attacks and stop them before they occur.

What’s unique about Diavolo’s Stand is that it doesn’t stop time like other time manipulating Stands, or even erase it completely. What King Crimson does is erases the cause of the event but not the event itself.
Epitaph can predict the opponent’s moves before they even happen, which is why it is close to impossible to defeat it during battle.
6 Okuyasu – The Hand
The Hand is hugely powerful and highly deadly, almost overpowered.

Whatever The Hand swipes at, it can erase from existence, be it space, objects, people or reality. When it deletes something and sends it to the void, the universe closes up around it, essentially deleting any trace of the unfortunate target.
This means that The Hand can make the universe physically smaller. In a combat, The Hand can close in on his opponent by simply swiping at space and cutting it out of existence.
But The Hand lacks the speed of other Stands, and since it is literally just a limb, can be grabbed and defeated before it swipes at anything.
5 Carne – Notorious B.I.G
Notorious B.I.G is unique in that it can function even after Carne, its user’s, death. Its true power is unleashed after Carne dies, and is powered by the hate and rage its user left behind.

Its main power is energy absorption, devouring flesh and energy to make itself stronger and larger. What’s more, it can also absorb Stand energy, making it immune to attack by other Stands.
It is almost indestructible because it can be split up without any effect on itself, and then regenerate again. It also has the ability of speed, and can latch onto flying objects and crush them.
The downside is that Notorious B.I.G can be overcome if one is familiar with its behavior, and since it is autonomous, can be outsmarted too.
4 Funny Valentine – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Love Train
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is Funny Valentine’s Stand. And it’s not just the name of this Stand that’s absurd. D4C has a multidimensional ability where all it has to do is restrict itself between two objects, say a door and a table, and emerge anywhere in a parallel dimension.

It can trap people or objects by immobilizing half of them within another dimension. Valentine can also hop between worlds and transfer D4C to other versions of himself. Essentially, he has an infinite army of himself.
With the evolved version of the Stand, D4C Love Train allows him to manipulate a gap in space, where he can hide to avoid damage.
Another insane ability is that Love Train can redirect misfortune, meaning all attacks from even the most powerful Stands rebound from him and land on someone else as misfortune. Absolutely mad.
3 Johnny Joestar – Tusk Act 4
Tusk Act4 is the strongest evolution of Johnny Joestar’s Stand. The Stand basically uses the supernatural ability called Spin, which allows Johnny to spin his nails and shoot them as projectiles with unreal power.

Tusk Act4 uses the perfect and most powerful Spin – the Golden Spin. This gives it infinite energy which allows it to bypass any interdimensional walls created by other Stands. For example, it can detect D4C Love Train’s pocket dimension to take out Funny Valentine who is hiding in it.
Tusk Act4 can also imbue infinite spin energy to people, causing them to eventually disintegrate or send them into another dimension. Tusk Act4 can trap other Stands in parallel dimensions, is immune to any time-stop or time-acceleration abilities, and can also defy gravity.
2 Enrico Pucci – Made in Heaven
Enrico Pucci’s Stand, was considered by Dio, the user of The World, as the most powerful Stand.

First, off, Made in Heaven is the final evolution in a series of two other Stands, Whitesnake and C-Moon. It retains the abilities of these two.
It can carve out a person’s Stand and memories and put them into “disks”, rendering them completely hapless. It can control and shift gravity, of not just the inhabitants of Earth, but also celestial bodies.
Lastly and most importantly, it can accelerate time to such an extent that it could potentially recreate the universe. Only the Stand user can keep up with Made in Heaven.
At ground-level, this means that he could speed up biological and non-biological processes, for example, in a cold environment, people might instantaneously freeze to death.
1 Giorno Giovanna – Gold Experience-Requiem
The strongest Stand in anime is the protagonist Giorno Giovanna’s Gold Experience Requiem. It defies science and reality by controlling cause as well as action. It can nullify life and death, reverting all things to zero. This makes GER invincible.

GER can be used on the worst criminals and enemies – it can turn their death to zero, which means they will die over and over again for eternity.Anything that has already happened can by undone.
GER is the Stand version of Ctrl+Z, only stronger. It can control time, and the power to build not just a new universe, but a new reality.
If this wasn’t enough, GER also retains the ability of Gold Experience and can bring inanimate things to life.
Honorary Mentions
We can’t talk about strongest Stands and not mention The World Over Heaven that features in the game. It can overwrite reality, stop time, and can even defeat GER.
About JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. The series is divided into eight parts, each following the adventures of a new protagonist bearing the “JoJo” nickname.
The first six parts form a saga detailing the supernatural conflicts between members of the Joestar family and various villains. The latter two parts follow a continuity reboot, taking place in an alternate universe with many parallels to the original.
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