After the war at Marineford, Whitebeard’s death spelled the end of an era, and a new Yonko, Blackbeard, came into power.
Due to this significant change, they became the focus of the One Piece world. At this moment, another momentous event is taking place that may also result in the fall of a Yonko.
In Wano, Luffy and his allies are trying to take down Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. However, he has to first get through the Beast Pirates and their Commanders.
How powerful are these commanders? Do they compare to other Commanders such as Marco and Katakuri?
I have listed down below who I think the top 10 Yonko Commanders in One Piece are.
10 Jack the Drought
Jack the Drought is an All-Star member of the Beasts Pirates, and one of Kaido’s three closest confidants, known as the Disasters. He is currently the ruler of the Kuri region in Wano Country.

Jack possesses tremendous strength and endurance, thanks to his Fish-Man heritage. He is highly proficient in dual-wielding Shotel blades and can fight equally with Nekomamushi and Inuarashi, the two strongest Minks in one-on-one combat.
It should be noted that he managed to sink two Marine battleships and it took the entire fleet containing Vice Admirals and Admirals to defeat him. Even then, he survived the battle.
Jack ate the Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that gives him the ability to transform into a mammoth.
In this form, his size and strength increase immensely. This is seen when he leveled part of a city by merely swinging his trunk.
While he is incredibly powerful, it is implied that he is still weaker than his fellow All-Stars. Due to this, he is only ranked in 10th place.
9 “Diamond” Jozu
“Diamond” Jozu was the 3rd division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and a part of the crew for at least three decades.
He is one of the most powerful members, and his feats in the war prove that. He is strong enough to fight and hold his own against the Shichibukai as well as the Marine Admirals.

Despite his massive body, his speed and reflexes are on par with his brute force. This speed, combined with his Haki, makes Jozu a particularly dangerous enemy for the Logia users.
Jozu ate the Kira Kira no Mi, a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform his body into a diamond.
Due to this, he can significantly increase his offensive and defensive capabilities. This is seen when he is able to block an attack from the world’s greatest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk, with no visible damage to himself.
His strength and accomplishments in the war place him 9th on this list.
8 Yasopp
Shanks is implied to have the best crew among all the Yonko’s. Despite being much smaller than the other crews, each of its members holds great power.
Hence, it can be assumed that Yasopp – one of their members, is very powerful. His position in the crew is that of a sniper.

Yasopp is noted to be a remarkably skilled marksman who can shoot the antennae of an ant one hundred feet away. Even Luffy has stated that he had never seen him miss a shot. It is assumed that he is the best sniper in the world.
Despite the lack of information about Yasopp, his reputation and skills are enough to rank eighth.
7 Shiryu of the Rain
Shiryu of the Rain is a member of Blackbeard’s crew and one of the Ten Titanic Captains.
He is a former Head Jailer of Impel Down, who had himself been imprisoned on Level 6 death row for his murderous violence against prisoners.
When temporarily released to help Magellan quell the prison riot, he chose to go against the orders and instead joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

Shiryu’s strength is said to be equal to the Chief Warden Magellan. He has exceptionally formidable speed and has shown himself to possess superhuman endurance. He is also remarkably proficient in wielding his Nodachi.
Shiryu has eaten the Suke Suke no Mi, a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit, which gives him the ability to turn himself and whatever he is holding invisible. With this fruit, he can cut opponents without being spotted, taking them by surprise.
It is expected that Shiryu’s power will continue to grow as the series continues.
Due to his already immense strength and future potential, he is in seventh place.
6 Lucky Roo
Lucky Roo is a member of the Red Hair Pirates. At the beginning of the series, he found the infamous Gomu Gomu no Mi, which was eaten by Luffy. He is one of Shanks’s most trusted crew members, along with Benn Beckman and Yasopp.

It is assumed that like Shanks, most of his crew members are pure Haki masters and not Devil Fruit users. Due to this, it is believed that Lucky Roo is a Haki specialist.
In the first few episodes, he is shown to possess incredible speed and stealth despite his colossal build. Fans theorize that he stores massive power within his body that he can unleash whenever necessary.
While not much about Lucky Roo and his powers are known, it seems as if being extremely powerful is one of the minimum requirements for becoming a part of the Red Hair Pirates. He is placed in the sixth position.
5 Queen the Plague
Queen the Plague is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates and one of Kaido’s three closest confidants. Currently, he serves as the ruler of Udon, a region in Wano Country.
With a massive bounty of 1.3 billion berries, Queen is one of the most powerful members of the crew. In fact, it has even been implied that he is stronger than Jack.

Queen is a highly-skilled craftsman and is noted to be particularly interested in the creation of Mechanical Weapons and viruses.
He has constructed his own prosthetic arm as well as special ammunition contaminated with a highly infectious disease.
Other than his craftsmanship, Queen is also shown to have great physical strength. This is seen when he stops a punch from Luffy with only one hand and then proceeds to toss him away. In addition, he also has very fast reflexes and tremendous durability.
Queen ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus, an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a brachiosaurus hybrid and full brachiosaurus at will, granting him an immense boost to size and bulk.
In accordance with his powers, he is ranked fifth on this list.
4 Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Katakuri is one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and the Charlotte Family’s third child. He governs Komugi Island as Totto Land’s Minister of Flour.
According to his crewmates, he is the strongest of the Three Sweet Commanders, and the most capable member of the entire crew aside from Big Mom herself.

Katakuri possesses tremendous physical strength and is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand fighter. Until his first loss against Luffy, he had never lost a single battle throughout his life.
Katakuri ate the Mochi Mochi no Mi, a special Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that lets him create, control, and transform into mochi at will.
As a “special” Paramecia, he can change his body into mochi, akin to a Logia. He has also awakened his Devil Fruit powers, which enable him to transform inorganic material into mochi.
Katakuri is one of the few people in the world who can use all three types of Haki. He is especially skilled in using Kenbunshoku Haki, which allows him to see slightly ahead into the future. He is ranked fourth on this list.
3 King the Wildfire
King the Wildfire is an All-Star of the Beasts Pirates and the most powerful right-hand man of Kaido. He is from a mysterious race that is believed to have gone extinct.
King ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon, an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a hybrid and full pteranodon at will.

It gives him the ability to fly and perform extremely powerful attacks from midair. He can also produce raging flames and burn everything around him.
He is also an exceptionally skilled swordsman. During the battle against the Nine Red Scabbards 20 years ago, he was able to injure Raizo with his sword.
His strength and skill make him the strongest Commander in the Beast Pirates and earn him a position as the third most powerful Yonko Commander.
2 Marco the Phoenix
Marco is the former 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and Yonko’s closest confidante and right-hand man. After Whitebeard’s death, Marco led the crew until their disbandment following the Payback War.
He is shown to be extremely powerful, as demonstrated in the Marineford War, where he was fully capable of fighting admirals Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu while holding his own.

He has also shown incredible speed and endurance. Marco can also use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki and is exceptionally proficient in the former.
Marco ate the Devil Fruit Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, a Mythical Zoan-Type. His ability is one of the rarest in the entire series and allows him to transform into a large blue-flamed phoenix.
The fruit’s greatest attribute is Marco’s ability to recover from any damage by simply summoning the “Blue Flames of Resurrection”.
Due to his incredible strength and former position as Whitebeard’s right-hand man, Marco is placed second on this list.
1 Benn Beckman
Benn Beckman is the strongest Yonkou commander in One Piece. He is Shank’s first mate and a member of the Red Hair Pirates. Due to Benn’s esteemed position, he can be said to be extremely powerful.
This is seen in the Marineford arc, where he makes Kizaru stop in his tracks just by his mere presence.

According to “One Piece: Vivre Card Databook,” Benn Beckman is said to be almost as strong as Shanks. His card determines that Benn is incredibly powerful in terms of physical combat.
In addition, he is also a knowledgeable man and has the highest IQ of any character introduced in the East Blue Saga.
While Benn’s powers are not yet shown in the series, just his position as Yonko’s first mate is enough to name him the strongest Commander in One Piece.
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