We all know the historic anime studio Toei Animation, which has produced some of the most iconic anime series of all time, such as Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and One Piece. Their contribution to the anime industry is immense, and their influence can be seen in many other studios that have followed in their footsteps.
Well, people, I think the studio Toei Animation is not just stopping there; they want to make known in the anime industry that they are still the top dog by announcing a totally original anime.
On Monday, Girls Band Cry, a brand-new original anime project from Toei Animation, was unveiled. The tagline for the image below, posted by Toei Animation, is “Throw out your anger, joy, and sadness. Throw it all away.”
The original anime “Girls Band Cry”
The animation music video and new information will be released on May 29th (Monday)!
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Other than that, the first music video for Girls Band Cry will be released on May 29th, with more details on the project to be announced the same day.
Fans should stay tuned for what Toei Animation has in store for this exciting new venture.
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