Show creator Declan de Barra shares pictures confirming that The Witcher’s prequel miniseries, Blood Origin, has finally finished filming.
Blood Origin will be six-episodes long with a definitive ending. The photos shared show de Barra on their UK set, one at the beginning and the other at the conclusion of the shoot. The post was re-Tweeted by the official Witcher account as well:
Now that the prequel has finished filming, we can hope for a release date, teaser photos, and even a trailer in the months to come!
Blood Origin is set to air after The Witcher Season 2’s December 17 release. This is important, Witcher’s showrunner Lauren Hissrich says, since Season 2 will put a spotlight on the Elves, which transitions well into Blood Origin.
In the prequel set 1200 years before The Witcher, fans will uncover under what circumstances the first witcher was created. It will also explore the events around the Conjunction of the Spheres, which trapped many “unnatural” entities in this dimension, including ghouls, vampires, and the mystical force known as “chaos.”
Who exactly will end up becoming the witcher is still under wraps, but we do have character descriptions for the main cast:

Sophia Brown will be playing the warrior Éile of the Queen’s guard who leaves to become a traveling musician.
Laurence O’Fuarain comes in as Fjall, born into a clan of warriors sworn to protect the king. Events cause him to set out for vengeance instead.
And lastly, Michelle Yeoh as Scian, the last member of a nomadic tribe of sword-elves. She is on a mission to retrieve a blade stolen from her people.
I think the most interesting part of Blood Origin is the new perspective we will get about the Continent, and live the history instead of just hearing it from different (sometimes biased) sources.
For example, in The Witcher, it is often painted that it was the humans who “civilized” the Elves. Blood Origin will show just exactly how untrue this is.
Another fascinating angle is witnessing how witchers went from being hero-monster hunters during their golden age, to now being termed as monsters themselves.
The successful first season of The Witcher has opened up fans to its spin-offs. If Blood Origin hits its mark, we might get to see more of the witcher’s world in other types of adaptations.
About The Witcher: Blood Origin
The Witcher: Blood Origin is a four-episode fantasy miniseries adapted from The Witcher novels by Andrzej Sapkowski. It also serves as a prequel to Netflix’s The Witcher.
It is set 1200 years before the events of The Witcher, and will depict the creation of the first Witcher, alongside events leading to the “Conjunction of the Spheres”. Additionally, it will explore the ancient Elven civilization before its demise.
The main cast includes Sophia Brown as Éile, Laurence O’Fuarain as Fjall, and Michelle Yeoh as Scian.
Source: Twitter
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