In last week’s episode, Sophie and Michael become closer as they await the results of the second appeal. Sophie shuttles between Paris and Durham to sustain this new relationship in her life. However, the plea was denied meaning Michael would have to serve life in prison. He doesn’t take this news well and pushes away his family and starts fighting with inmates in prison. Meanwhile, Sophie realizes that Larry’s unconventional theory about Kathleen’s death may have the answers they were looking for this whole time.
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The Staircase Episode 7 Speculation
Upon the realization that the owl theory accounts for several unexplained injuries and blood splatters in the case, Sophie meets with the medical examiner who did Kathleen’s post-mortem report. While the medical examiner agrees to reexamine the body, Sophie struggles to get permission from Kathleen’s family for the same.

Stay tuned as the series uncovers more details about the sixteen-year-long case!
The Staircase Episode 7 Release Date
Chapter 7 of the The Staircase series, titled “Seek and Ye Shall”, has been released on Thursday, Jun 02, 2022 at 12:00 am PDT.
No delays have been announced.
I. Is the series on break?
No, the series is not on break and will resume as scheduled.
The Staircase Episode 6 Recap
The episode begins with Michael and Sophie in the Durham Country Court House in 2017. He meets with Dave and they head on over to a conference room where the documentary crew is already stationed. Dave then pulls out a script for the Alford plea and reads out the opening statement.

Back in Spring 2006, Michael and Sophie become closer as she visits him in jail and they kiss when the guard is distracted. Sophie gets a voicemail from Larry Pollard and he mentions he’d like to discuss something with her regarding the case. Sophie eventually meets with him and he takes her into the wilderness near the Peterson residence and tells her about his newfound theory—that a local species of owl was responsible for Kathleen’s death. Meanwhile, Dave delivers the unfortunate news to Michael and his family that his second appeal had been rejected and this would mean he would have to serve life in prison.
After seeing Michael in low spirits on visitor’s day, Sophie decides to humor Larry and look into his theory. She visits his house and he admits that the theory is somewhat crazy but there had been a number of owl attacks in the area and the owls almost always attack from behind. He further corroborates his theory by saying that the talons of the owl seem to match Kathleen’s injuries.
About The Staircase
The Staircase is an upcoming dramatic limited series adaptation of a docuseries of the same name, to be co-produced by Annapurna Television and HBO Max, as announced in March 2021.
The series is set to star Colin Firth as Michael Peterson and Toni Collette as his wife, Kathleen Peterson, with Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn both attached as writers and showrunners.
On December 9th, 2001, novelist Michael Peterson’s wife Kathleen Peterson was found dead at the bottom of the staircase at their home. Michael claimed she perished after falling down the stairs but the medical examiner determined that she had been beaten with a weapon. Peterson became a suspect in what would become a murder investigation.
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