The Orville crew performs excavations in search of hidden artifacts in a Hemblicite burial chamber. Grayson decides to take Topa under her wing after she reveals her intentions to take the Union exam. It becomes evident that Topa is struggling with her identity – unaware that she was born female and surgical alteration was performed on her as part of Moclan custom. At great risk, Grayson decides to lead Topa to the truth. We bring you the latest updates!
The Orville Season 3 Episode 6 Speculation
Upon learning of Topa’s deteriorating mental state, Grayson gives Topa a hint which leads to them finding out the truth about the surgery. Topa confronts Klyden and Bortus about it, enraged at them for hiding the truth. Grayson, Mercer, and Dr. Finn decide to come up with a way to reverse the procedure, which would allow Topa to live as her true self.

However, this is not without risk as it could potentially jeopardize relations between the Moclan and the Union. They manage to pull it off and Topa awakens after the surgery, happy to see her true self in the mirror. Will the Moclan foil their relations with the Union?
What challenges await The Orville and the crew next? Stay tuned to find out.
The Orville Season 3 Episode 6 Release Date
Chapter 6 of the The Orville Season 3 series has been released on Thursday, Jul 07, 2022 at 9:00 pm PDT. The chapter title has not been leaked yet.
No delays have been announced.
I. Is the series on break?
No, the series is not on break and will continue as scheduled.
The Orville Season 3 Episode 5 Recap
The USS Orville crew examines a massive Hemblicite burial chamber on the surface of an arid, desert planet for hidden treasure. First Officer Kelly Grayson comes across Captain Ed Mercer writing something in his datapad. He reveals that he’s writing letters to give to his daughter Anaya in case they ever cross paths again.

Navigator Charly Burke leads Grayson and Mercer through the catacomb tunnels, but they come across a barrier in the form of a hidden door. Isaac safely triggers the trap and leads the crew through to a room full of priceless artifacts. Upon examination, they learn that some of the artifacts are nearly 70,000 years old, dating back to the Hemblicite empire. Meanwhile, Topa uses the Environmental Simulator to take part in a battle between the Kaylons as the captain of the Moclans. Topa has an outburst when they lost the battle within minutes.
Grayson finds Topa in the simulator and they reveal that they aspire to take the Union Point exam. She offers them some guidance and asks them to shadow her so they can learn more about the Union. While talking about why they want to join the Union, Topa tells her about their identity crisis.
Grayson knows the reason for this – a surgical alteration was performed on Topa as a child, who was originally born female and she feels conflicted about revealing this information to them.
About The Orville
The Orville is a science fiction comedy-drama series created and co-produced by Seth MacFarlane, who also stars as the lead on the show. The series is heavily inspired by the Star Trek franchise.
Set in the 25th century, the series captures how humanity has found alien life and created an interspecies-universal commission for maintaining peace. It follows the exploits of a union starship, USS Orville, as its crew embarks upon their journey of various missions across the galaxy.
Alongside MacFarlane, the show stars Adrianne Palicki, Penny Johnson Jerald, Scott Grimes, Peter Macon, Halston Sage, J. Lee, and others.
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