Lindon, an instrumental region in Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings, had departed from the camera frame by the time the Great War of the Rings came. This sudden disappearance left the fans of The Lord of the Rings wondering the reason behind this disappearance. Classified among the eleven realms in the westernmost part of Middle-earth, the control of Lindon then rested with Gil-galad, the last High King of the Noldor.
As the timeline of The Lord of the Rings progressed, the screentime of Lindon reduced, eventually turning it into a ghost of its former self. Shocking for the fans, the region of Lindon had no roleplay in the war against Sauron. So, why did the place simply exit the cinematic map of the show? Let’s see the possible speculations.
Did the Shift in Elven Power result in Lindon’s exit from the show?
The most plausible explanation of Lindon’s disappearance could be the switch in the Elven power from Lindon to the likes of Lothlòrien and Rivendell. While the Gi-galad witnessed its downfall at the end of the Second Age, the existence of Elves faded in the Middle-earth. With the dawn of the Third Age, Galadriel in Lothlòrien and Elrond in Rivendell has taken over the charge of Elven power.
Lindon, who once happen to be at the core of Elven power, gradually became insignificant with the departure of remaining Elves from the Middle-earth. This departure also signified the larger theme of the decline and the paradigm shift in the great civilization.

We all know Elrond to be a key advisor and confidante to Gil-galad. But what if there’s more than what meets the eye? If there’s more to the story than just loyalty? After all, this period in the timeline of LOTR sees the rule of Elrond over Rivendell, far, far away from the former king’s realm.
There’s an undertone to the mysterious character of Elrond; does he have intentions of his own? Maybe there was a slight whisper nudged the grace of Lindon.
Although we fans love the wise, kind Elron, we can’t stop our imagination from wandering towards a pretty possible event: his involvement in the political chessworks that sidelined Lindon.
Was it because of High King Gil-galad?
No doubt, Gil-galad was one of the greatest victors in the history of Elves, but it is uncommon for history to be kind to kings. His refusal to claim one of the Three Elven Rings could be seen as a sign of wisdom; but what if it were the first chink in his armor?
The eventual downfall of Lindon and Gil-galad in the War of Last Alliance paint quite a sad picture of an emperor who perhaps grew a bit too fond of the old ways, and kept romanticizing them while the world changed faces rapidly than the speed of light. s decline be a metaphor for Gil-galad’s own tragic end?
As the last ruling High King of the Noldor, Gil-galad’s fall marked a plunging milestone in the aftermath of Elven leadership in Middle-earth. Without his able leadership, Lindon lost its status as a political and military epicenter.
Quite in contrast to Rivendell, ruled by the wise Elrond, and yet another kingdom of Lothlórien, thriving under Galadriel and Celeborn, Lindon just ended up losing all its aura points to even be considered relevant in the story anymore.
Did Círdan’s retreat reduce Lindon’s relevance?
One final reason for Lindon not appearing was the silent retreat of Círdan the Shipwright, who happened to rule the Grey Havens at this time in the story. Given Círdan’s focus was the exodus of Elves towards Valinor, he and Havens remained out of direct conflict.
Although Lindon doesn’t physically appear on-screen in LOTR after that hellish war, its role as the departure point for the Elven population is quite significant.
By this time in the movies, most of this population is either already in Valinor, or is at least preparing to travel west to the place. And Lindon, being closest to the Grey Havens, has taken the form of a gateway more than a thriving kingdom.
Later, as the narrative shifts toward the ever-growing threat of Sauron, there was little room or relevance left for Lindon anymore. As a result, Lindon, under the leadership of Círdan, remained a departure point, and not any epicenter of battle of political influence, and lost its camera time.
Can the Fans Expect the Return of Lindon in the Coming Seasons?
With the Rings of Power focusing on the ascension of Sauron and the development of the Rings, Lindon has been pivotal to the story. The upcoming Season is expected to unearth the intricacies of the Second Age.
Moreover, the expected release of Season 2 in 2024 has sparked debates about whether Lindon’s destiny will be inspected or not.
Fans are eagerly waiting to see whether Lindon’s downfall will be portrayed that serves the larger narrative of The Lord of the Rings. Or Lindon’s downfall is nothing but the rise of Sauron’s power. The stakes are high, and so does the fandom of Lindon’s fate in The Lord of the Rings.
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