Hikaru illegally carries out his role of the ruthless human in a world of humanoids in episode 1 of The Gene of AI titled “Backup.”
With the swift progress of technology, Dr. Sudo Hikaru works as a human doctor while operating on humanoids. The law states that creating copies or backups is illegal, but Hikaru does not always stay above the law.
While he carries out the regular duties of a doctor and special requests that fly under the radar, his true purpose is something else entirely. Chasing after criminals that caused his mother to be in prison, Hikaru is on the path of revenge.
Here are the latest updates.
1. Episode 2 Speculation
This episode has given us an insight into the world of humanoids and Hikaru, who works as a human doctor among them. His primary purpose will be explored more profoundly in the next episode as he hunts down the people who used his mother’s copy to smuggle illegal goods.
He will likely follow up on the lead he got through sources in the black market and find himself involved further within this rabbit hole. Probably his mother wasn’t the only victim of the scam, which could go much further than he thought, and he may not be able to take that path alone.
The only other character that could be his ally right now is his assistant nurse in the hospital, as she was also looking at articles about his mother and was aware of what he was doing in secret.
2. Episode 2 Release Date
Episode 2 of the The Gene of AI anime has been released on Friday, Jul 14, 2023. The episode title or preview has not been shown.
I. Is Episode 2 of The Gene of AI on break this week?
No, episode 2 of The Gene of AI is not on a break this week. The episode will be released on the above-stated date.
3. Recap of Episode 1
Twenty-five years ago, a low-income family got an offer from some modern businessmen to heal Hikaru. Still, they needed to check if Sudo’s neural net fits their requirements and took a copy under that premise. Getting a brain implant is expected in this modern world, and humanoids walk alongside humans daily.
Hikaru works as a doctor in this scientific age and gets called to a house to treat a malfunctioning humanoid. However, after running some tests, he finds they had made an illegal backup of her personality. He finds that she has a virus that will kill her in two weeks and looks at the backup.
After his inspection, he returns to the hospital and finds their adopted human daughter in his car. She explains that it was purely his dad’s nervousness that made him get a backup and asks why they’re illegal anyway. In the Middle East and many areas, copies of criminals are made again and again as they reappear multiple times.

On the way to the hospital, he detours to visit his mom in prison, framed for crimes using her neural copy. The following morning, Hikaru leaves to replace her infected brain with the backup and goes to format her, an equivalent of deleting her entire personality in the process.
However, she can’t accept that fate and turns down the backup process. Two weeks later, the virus takes over, and she dies, but they upload the backup and bring her back to life, but it’s not the same then, even if it has all of her personality.
Hikaru’s job is one of playing the ruthless human, although the true goal lies elsewhere. To save his mom, he harbors hatred against the people who used the backup tool for crime and then framed her to escape quickly.

4. Where to watch The Gene of AI?
5. About AI no Idenshi
AI no Idenshi (The Genes of AI) is a sci-fi manga series by Kyūri Yamada. It began serialization in November 2015 and concluded in August 2017, followed by two sequel manga series. The manga is now inspiring a TV anime by Madhouse.
The story is set in a future world where 10% of the population is humanoids and Hikaru Sudō is a human doctor. Unlike what most people think, humanoids are much similar to humans and have their own problems and illnesses that can lead to death. Hikaru aims to help them with his humanoid assistant, Risa Higuchi.
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