Freeform released the finale trailer for The Bold Type’s final episode, set to be released on June 30. The series, which premiered in 2017, follows the lives of best friends Kat Edison, Sutton Brady, and Jane Sloan as the trio navigates through their personal and professional lives while working at a fictional magazine company called Scarlet.
Now ahead of the finale’s arrival, the cable channel dropped a short trailer to hype up the series’ end. Titled “It’s Never Easy Letting Go,” the fifteen-second clip sees Jacqueline get ready to leave Scarlet for good with Jane filling in her shoes as the next editor in chief.
However, the end scene shows the latter approach her former boss hesitantly, hinting at a possible twist to come in the story. Amidst the changing workplace hierarchy, the other few clips show Kat, Sutton, and Jane share a warm moment as the entire team at Scarlet prepares for a celebration.
Following a great run for four seasons, The Bold Type was renewed for a fifth and final installment in January 2021. Season 5 had its premiere on May 26 and culminates to only six episodes, cutting down from its usual ten.
This has caused some confusion among fans, with the current season being the last. However, Meghan Fahy, who plays Sutton Brady-Hunter, explained to Entertainment Tonight how the show’s writers worked through the tricky job of bringing a satisfying closure to each character within six episodes.
Episode 5 not only saw Jane being elected to lead Scarlet in the future but also saw Sutton signing the divorce papers, ending her marriage to Richard, and having an incredible breakthrough at therapy. Furthermore, Kat manages to bring Don’t Turn Away under the banner of Scarlet, which also sees her return to the magazine.
Though this might sound like the perfect ending already, the episode left many questions unanswered. Is this the end for Suttard? What lies ahead in Kat’s future coming back to Scarlet? And what does the finale have planned for Jane and Scott?
Tune in to Freeform this Wednesday to find out!
About The Bold Type
The Bold Type is an American comedy-drama television series created by Sarah Watson and produced by Universal Television for Freeform. It is inspired by the life and career of former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine Joanna Coles, who is executive producer of the series.
It stars Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, Meghann Fahy, Same Page, Melora Hardin, and Nikohl Boosheri among many others.
The series chronicles the lives of three millenial women employed at a fictional global publication called Scarlet in New York City.
Source: YouTube
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