Anime News Science Fell In Love, So I Tried To Prove It

‘Rikekoi’ Anime Teases a Fun-Filled Season 2 this April with New Trailer

The various experiments regarding love in season 1 of the Rikekoi anime must have cracked you up hard. Now, the anime is returning with a second season to test even more impossible theories. Ayame and Shinya have made quite a game out of their love story, but the scientific explanation for love[…]

Anime News Science Fell In Love, So I Tried To Prove It

Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It PV Reveals New Characters

Love sure is one of the most complex emotions that humans know, but the anime Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It complicates it even more by explaining it through mathematical equations. We love this weird rom-com anime, but sometimes it can be hard on those fans whose worst nightmare[…]

Anime News Science Fell In Love, So I Tried To Prove It

Rikekoi Season 2 Surprises Fans with A Sneaky New Title “r = 1-sinθ”

After the climax of “Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove it,” season 1 left us awed at the high-value kiss maneuver between Yukimura and Himuro. You don’t need a Ph.D. to know that fans want more of their nerdy action. The rom-com series about two scientists kept us quite warm in the[…]

Anime News Science Fell In Love, So I Tried To Prove It

Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It S2 Surprises Fans with New PV; Airs 2022

They say love is like magic and a feeling that cannot be explained. But, what if two science geniuses try to prove love with one thing they are quite familiar with, i.e., mathematical equations. This hilarious romantic comedy story is Alifred Yamamoto’s creation titled “Science Fell in Love, […]