Manga News Saru Lock

New Saru Lock Spinoff Manga About Middle-Schooler Saito to Debut Next Month

When author Naoki Serizawa brought back Yataro Sarumaru, aka Saru, in the “Saru Lock Reboot,” fans were ecstatic. With the reboot of the manga returning later this summer, Serizawa has planned a little surprise for the franchise’s fans! Saru Lock is about an ordinary high school student named […]

Manga News Saru Lock

Lock Picking Master Saru Set to Return from Hiatus in Reboot Manga!

Saru is a man of basic needs; he wishes to pick up girls as quickly as he picks up any lock! Many manga series revolved around one particular skill or ability; it could be sometimes as simple as a rubber body as Luffy or as complex as Chrollo Lucifer. With Yataro Sarumaru, it’s as simple as[…]