Anime Manga One Piece

Everything We Know About Im-Sama so Far in One Piece

The Egghead arc of One Piece is proving to be one of the most enlightening arcs we’ve witnessed to date. Post Wano, Oda has dropped more lore and info on mysterious concepts and characters than ever before. Out of these, one of the most exciting, is news about Im. One Piece has […]

Manga One Piece

Is Sabo alive? What happened in Lulusia kingdom?

We only got to know that sabo is alive after reverie, and now something terrible has happened in chapter 1060. We see that the entire island of lulusia was destroyed by Im and Sabo was apparently on the island. This puts us on an edge, as we do not know if Sabo is dead or alive! Navy has traced[…]

Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1058: New Straw Hat And Cross Guild Bounties, Marines, Sabo And More!

Guys, chapter 1058 “New Emperor” just dropped and it’s probably one of the funniest chapters in the whole Wano arc. I mean, what with Luffy getting raged on by Nami and Buggy getting destroyed by his Mihawk and Crocodile, the latest chapter is a riot. While it’s hilarious that we have our […]

Manga News One Piece

Eiichiro Oda Promises to Unravel Mysteries in the Upcoming One Piece Chapters

It has been a month since One Piece went on a break, and even seasoned fans are starting to become impatient now. Chapter 1053 was chaos incarnate as so many revelations were made all at once. Kozuki Sukiyaki, Oden’s father, reappeared in the manga. The bounty on Luffy, Kid, and Law increased[…]

Anime Manga One Piece

Top 15 One Piece Moments of All Time! Wort to Best

The touchstone of an excellent series is its durability. The first volume of One Piece came out in 1997, and the franchise has only become more popular with age. One Piece has a loyal and ever-increasing fanbase, that’s constantly wowed by the story’s history and future. What makes One Piece so […]

Anime Manga One Piece

How Strong is Luffy? Did he Surpass Ace and Sabo?

Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece, is the sworn brother of Ace and Sabo. When they were kids, Luffy was notably the weakest among the three. Despite the fact that he was the only one with a devil fruit, he still lost to Ace & Sabo every time. This did not hamper their bond, and […]

Anime News One Piece

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Game Previews New Characters

Bandai Namco is preparing for the release of One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. Two Trailers have already been released. One revolves around the Whole Cake Island arc, showcasing the big fight between Luffy and Katakuri & glimpses of Wano arc. The second showcases the Alabasta Arc – the starting point of the game. Recently, Bandai […]