Anime Mob Psycho News

Ritsu Highlighted in Latest Trailer for Season 3 of ‘Mob Psycho 100’

After two seasons of insane psychic powerups, Mob & Co. will be back with Mob Psycho 100 III. In the previous seasons, you saw Mob overpowering every villain that rose, but this time, he will face something he himself made. Let’s see how that battle goes. Remember that huge broccoli tree from[…]

Anime K-On! Watch Order

Complete K-On Watch Order Guide – Easily Rewatch K On Anime

K-On! is a slice-of-life show with cute anime girls in a musical band who spend most of their time eating cakes and sipping tea, yet have an uncanny ability to perform flawlessly during concerts. K-On! anime has 2 seasons with 39 episodes in total. There are 4 specials and one movie that serve […]