Blog Movies Napoleon

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon Ends on a Tragic Note for the French General

Based on the life and times of the titular Napoleon Bonaparte, Ridley Scott’s Napoleon ends on a tragic note, much like the French military leader’s real life. Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader and monarch who rose to prominence after the French Revolution and the eventual decline o[…]

Blogs Movies Napoleon

When will Napoleon be available for streaming online?

As Ridley Scott’s historical drama Napoleon continues its theatrical run, the anticipation for its online release is high. The film will eventually be available for online streaming after its theatrical run. Napoleon is based on the life and times of French military general and emperor Napoleon B[…]

Movies Napoleon News

Napoleon’s Josephine will be a Crucial & Challenging Character, Says Creator

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon is expected to be a biopic that will follow Napoleon Bonaparte from his initial days as commander of France to his rise and fall from power. However, the saga won’t focus on just the emperor himself. Through the film, Scott also wishes to explore the complexities of the em[…]