Blog Power Rangers

Strongest Power Rangers In The Entire Franchise, Ranked

Power Rangers, the beloved and longtime running series with 29 seasons, features an incredible set of heroes across the entire franchise. With so many additions every season, the original Rangers still triumph over them all[…]

News Power Rangers TV

Power Rangers Finally Answers Why Scorpina Disappeared from the Show

Fans have finally gotten a canonical explanation for the sudden disappearance of Mighty Morphin, Power Rangers’ villain, Scorpina. We first see Scorpina in the show’s first season, and she has remained one of Rita Repulsa’s most skilled warriors. Although her appearances are sparse and sporadic, […]

News Power Rangers TV

A Zombie Apocalypse Hits Power Rangers in the Official DARKEST HOUR Cover Art

The latest official Darkest Hour cover art unveils a bone-chilling rendition of our favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. With the show coming to an end, BOOM! Studios reveal a grotesque cover that transforms the Power Rangers into nightmarish zombies. The new cover shows the addition of Red and[…]