Anime Kono Healer Mendokusai News

Kono Healer, Mendokusai Anime Debuts New Character in Latest PV

A hopeless warrior and a sarcastic healer elf is a much more entertaining duo than you’d think. Kono Healer, Mendokusai is a story of a similar pair who get by their daily task with a dash of luck. By calling itself an isekai burnt-out adventurer comedy, this story sets itself apart from the[…]

Anime Kono Healer Mendokusai News

Non-Isekai, Isekai Parody This Healer’s a Handful Anime Releases First PV

It’s safe to say we have had too many isekai. We have even seen self-aware isekai, which parodies the genre but end up being all the same. How about an isekai parody anime that is not even an isekai for a change? This Healer’s a Handful is an upcoming anime that calls itself an “isekai[…]