Anime Listicles

Top 12 Best Anime with Fanservice Ever! What Anime Has The Best Fanservice?

Everyone loves a little eye candy every now and then, right? Although anime is often criticized for fanservice, sometimes, you just need something to watch that’s easy on the eyes and the brain. Many anime even manage to strike a balance between the two! A little fanservice can go a long way to[…]

Anime High School of the Dead Listicles ZOMBIE LAND SAGA

Top 10 Must-Watch Zombie Anime Of All Time & Where To Watch Them!

Zombies, often known as the undead, are revived bodies of the dead human beings whose sole purpose is to eat human beings. Devoid of their soul, Zombies are mostly seen in video games and movies. In anime, Zombies are represented in different ways, be it Zombie girls making their music band or someone becoming a […]

Anime News

Highschool of the Dead Season 2: Release Date & What to Expect?

Highschool of the Dead is an anime adapted from a manga titled ‘Apocalyptic Academy: Highschool of the Dead’ by Daisuke Satō and Shōji Satō, first published in May 2013. The first season of ‘HighSchool of the Dead’ aired nearly ten years ago on July 5, 2010, and the finale aired during September 20, 2010. The fans have been waiting […]