Anime Godzilla News

Godzilla vs. Kong: Trailer Shows Off Godzilla and King Kong’s Super Strength

Make some popcorn and get ready to witness the ultimate fight between your two favorite childhood monsters with the new Godzilla vs. Kong movie hitting the theatres soon on March 26. This time, Godzilla seems to be out for blood. I mean, who could blame it right? They destroyed and devastated […]

Anime Godzilla News

Godzilla vs Kong Film Hitting Theatres Sooner Than Expected: Debuts March 26

‘Godzilla’ and ‘King Kong’ are undoubtedly the two big names of the monster verse. We, the 90s kids, grew up wondering what will happen if these two gigantic monsters were to face each other. This life-long wait will end sooner than expected, as the Godzilla Vs. Kong film has been moved to […]

Anime Godzilla News

Netflix’s Godzilla: Singular Point Anime Reveals New Look of The Monster!

‘Godzilla’ the term itself is enough to bring back memories from the days when disaster movies were fun, especially if you are a 90s kid. Watching huge monsters destroy big cities may not be the most pleasant thing to watch now, but back in those days, that’s exactly what we craved for. And […]

Anime Godzilla Netflix News

Netflix Premieres Godzilla: Singular Point Anime In 2021

Godzilla is a series that everyone who has ever watched movies knows about. The famous Godzilla anime series is also equally famous. A new Godzilla film is coming soon and we cannot wait for the adrenaline rush that it will bring with it. Godzilla is a huge dinosaur-based monster that has been[…]