Anime Diamond no Ace Listicles Manga

Top 10 Pitchers / Aces in Diamond no Ace, Ranked!

Ball games! Nowadays, there are many varieties of outdoor ball games that can be played which make us perspire, keep our bloods circulating, and even give us a competitive spirit. As a shy and introverted child, I spent playtime indoors: reading books; learning musical instruments; and watching anime shows on tv. Outdoor games such as […]

Anime Diamond no Ace Manga

Did Seidou High School ever reach and win the Nationals?

Diamond no Ace act Ⅱ just concluded with Seidou High School’s baseball team already playing in the West Tokyo Tournament. In the next season, due to being a seeded team, their first game will be against Yura Sougou. Winning this regional tournament will be Seidou’s first step towards acquiring the first place in the 90th […]