Blog Manga One Piece

What will happen to Luffy and his crew in Elbaf?

The One Piece manga has been teasing us with the idea of Luffy and the crew visiting Elbaf since their adventures in the Grand Line and the new world. After two long decades, the Straw Hat Pirates are finally going to Elbaf Island. Luffy could actually meet Shanks there. What’s more, is that the ide[…]

Blog Manga One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1076 Raw Scans Tease Kid vs. Shanks Battle!

As fans eagerly await each new chapter of One Piece, the latest leaks show a massive development in the story. Luffy, Zoro, Lucci, and Kaku are confirmed to be teaming up, and Vegapunk is in for a surprise as he finds himself locked up in prison, wondering how his research papers were leaked to the world government. But […]