Summer Time Rendering Ep 10: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

In the ninth episode of “Summertime Rendering”, apart from giving us a gruesomely detailed insight into the real Ushio’s murder, the episode broke a lot of preconceived notions about the Shadows and the timeline of their existence.

The series of flashbacks painted a more coherent picture of how the events before Ushio’s death had transpired. We were all so dead set on the notion that things started going wrong only after Ushio’s death that we had never even considered the fact that things could have started way earlier.

The show very cleverly added more moving parts to an already expansive mystery. What could previously be at least somehow predicted is now a game totally in the air and honestly, I’m all here for it.  

Episode 10 Speculations

At the end of the episode, Shinpei ends up getting marked by The Mother who says that she had been looking all over for him.

The mark probably acts as a beacon for the shadows to locate Shinpei and get to him before he has a chance to reset anything. We are also unaware whether the mark will persist if Shinpei dies and loops back to the past since The Mother seemed to remember Shin pretty well despite him looping back to the past.

Summertime Rendering Ep 10: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Shinpei | Source: IMDb

The next episode is titled “Into the Darkness”. I would argue that we are already pretty deep into whatever darkness there is to traverse but the show seems to have a plan of its own.

We are well on our way to demystifying the madness that is going on. Even though it does not seem like our list of questions is going to get any shorter anytime soon but slowly and surely, we are getting a clearer picture of what might be going on. The upcoming episode might just hold the biggest clue to that question.

Episode 10 Release Date

Episode 10 of the Summertime Rendering anime, titled “Into the Darkness”, has been released on Friday, Jun 17, 2022.

1. Is Summertime Rendering on Break This Week?

Episode 10 of Summertime Rendering will be released as per schedule. No delay has been announced.

Episode 9 Recap

The video on real Ushio’s phone unlocked by Shadow Ushio reveals that the two of them were not only aware of each other but were also friends.

The video takes down a flashback that explains how it all started.

We start off with Ushio and Mio at Shiori’s family store where Shiori is certain that she was being followed by a lookalike. Her stories are not taken seriously until Ushio and Mio come across Ushio’s Shadow over at the beach while they were cleaning it. They chase it down but it seemed to have on them.

Summertime Rendering Ep 10: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Ushio | Source: IMDb

Mio was spooked but Ushio does not think too much of it until she encounters the Shadow casually lounging in her bathtub. After a short tussle, they talk it out and finally realize that maybe Shiori and her story about that lookalike was indeed true.

They call a temporary truce and decide to go on an investigation over to the mountain where the Shadow was supposedly spotted.

Over at the mountain, they come across a hidden pathway that led to a dilapidated clinic that was said to be haunted. True to those rumors, they cross paths with a deformed shadow that immediately copies Ushio and moves in to attack Shadow Ushio. 

Ushio tries to attack it but gets shaken off. It is then that Shadow Ushio gives in to her survival instincts and awakens her abilities as a Shadow. With her newfound powers, she easily takes down their shadowy adversary.

Ushio probably understood what risky business she was getting involved in and thus she decided to make that video with her Shadow explaining everything to Shin.

The video successfully reminds Shadow Ushio of the present, of her abilities which she uses to transport Sou and Shinpei to the past when the real Ushio was murdered.

The second flashback takes us right back to the morning when Ushio and the rest were at the beach and about to go for a swim. Things are completely normal until Shiori disappears into the ocean.

Shadow Ushio felt the presence of another Shadow nearby and warned Ushio which instantly kicked her into action. She followed Shiori into the ocean who was captured by her shadow and was about to be killed.

Shadow Ushio attacked Shadow Shiori and begins to take her to the surface but Shiori’s Shadow is persistent as it grappled her, pushing her further down.

Summer time Rendering Ep 10: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Summer Time Rendering | Source: IMDb

Ushio pulls off the remnant of the Shadow, freeing Shadow Ushio to take Shiori to the surface. Although the Shadow had other plans. It choked the real Ushio to death and went after Shadow Ushio and took her down with Shiori with relative ease.

That was where it stopped being a simple flashback because the Shiori who was later rescued and pretend to be the normal version of herself suddenly broke out of character. She grabbed Shinpei’s arm and transformed into the mother from the Festival episode, the one who was supposedly being awakened.

It looked like she was searching for Shinpei all this while and was finally able to mark him.

About Summer Time Rendering

Summer Time Rendering is a manga by Yasuki Tanaka. It started serialization in the Shonen Jump+ magazine in October 2017. The manga ended on 1st February 2021 with an anime announcement.

The manga is a mystery story set in the Wakayama prefecture, a remote island with a small population. Shinpei had to return to the island to attend the funeral of his childhood friend and family member.

Although the funeral seemed to be progressing without any disturbance, Shinpei was suddenly caught in a dreadful situation.

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