Sumikko Gurashi is an anime that resonates with introverts who feel comfortable in a corner. The title itself roughly translates to “life in a corner,” and maybe this series will make you feel a bit more at home with yourself.
From a penguin with existential crisis to an uneaten piece of pork cutlet, the main Sumikko are some of the squishiest characters ever.
I hope that the second film of the series is just as touching as the rest of the adventures of these lovable characters.
Eiga Sumikko Gurashi: Aoi Tsukiyo no Mahō no Ko, the second film of the Sumikko Gurashi franchise, will be released in Japan on November 5, 2021.
A new trailer for the film was also recently revealed.
BUMP OF CHICKEN performed the theme song of the film, “Small World.” The song is also previewed in the trailer.
The trailer gives us a glimpse into the magical world of the Sumikko. The way they all just squish together in the corner of a room or a couch is very adorable.
In the film, the characters will go on a camping trip where they will encounter a rare blue moon. Everything that happens afterward is even more magical than the series itself.
Even though Sumikko Gurashi debuted as somewhat negative and wallflower-type characters by San-X, they have amassed enough fans who relate with them.
I just hope that major streaming websites like Funimation or Crunchyroll get a hold of this anime fast so that I can sit in the corner of my room and enjoy an anime that truly suits my nature.
About Sumikko Gurashi
Sumikko Gurashi is a set of fictional characters produced by the Japanese company San-X. The name roughly translates to “life in the corner”. The main Sumikko characters are Shirokuma, a polar bear who dislikes the cold, Penguin? who is unsure of being a penguin, Tonkatsu, a piece of leftover pork cutlet, Neko, a timid and anxious cat, and Tokage, a dinosaur who pretends to be a lizard. Minor Minniko characters include Furoshiki, a polka dot furoshiki cloth, Zassou, a weed with a positive attitude, and Tapioca, multi-colored leftover tapioca pearls.
The franchise has a lot of merchandise, such as stationery, plush toys, and clothing. Books, mobile apps, and video games based on the franchise have also been produced. It also has two animated films which are produced by Studio Fanworks.
Source: Sumikko Gurashi Official Website
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