Debut its Soul-Stirring Tale in May


By Epic Dope Staff | March 16, 2022

Inu-Oh tells the story of an unexpected duo from 14th century Japan. A masked boy, Inu-Oh, and a blind biwa player, Tomona, soon realize the potential they have together.

The Inu-Oh anime film will premiere on May 28, 2022, in Japan. The new trailer shows the bond between Inu-Oh and Tomona.

The teaser shows some scenes in which Tomona plays a groovy beat while Inu-Oh dances in wild abandon.

The new visual shows Inu-Oh holding a gourd mask and Tomona holding a biwa. The visual gives off traditional music festival vibes.

Inu-Oh and Tomona will become buddies in the upcoming film to survive the nasty world.

They will bloom each others’ talents and reach the top of the era via their art. It is a unique story that makes me look forward to their timeless friendship.