Star Wars Outlaws – How to Complete the Gunrunner Quest

The Gunrunner quest is a side quest in Star Wars Outlaws, where the player is tasked with deciding the fate of a shipment of weapons.

After completing The Safecracker story mission and the subsequent Gunsmith quest, a call from the lone myrmitrix will initiate a new opportunity to work with the Ashiga Clan, leading to the Gunrunner quest.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to complete the gunrunner side quest in Star Wars Outlaws.

1. How to Complete The Gunrunner Quest

How to Complete The Gunrunner Quest
How to Complete The Gunrunner Quest | Source: In-game footage

In Star Wars Outlaws, the Gunrunner Quest assigns Kay Vess a task that will dictate her future relations with two clans.

To get started, infiltrate the Hutt District in Mos Eisley and access a computer with sales records to uncover the weapons’ location. With this information, you can track down and retrieve the weapons for the Ashiga clan.

Depending on whom you return the weapons to – the Ashiga or the Hutts- will positively or negatively affect your relations with the clans.

1. Starting the Quest

Starting the Quest
Starting the Quest | Source: In-game footage
  • Head to Mos Eisley in Tatoonie, taking the southern route for a faster journey.
  • Inside a building guarded by a single Ashiga guard, you’ll find the Lone Myrmitrix.
  • Speak with her, and she’ll task you with stealing weapons from the Hutts for the Ashiga Clan.

2. Accessing the Sales Records

Accessing the Sales Records
Accessing the Sales Records | Source: In-game footage

Method 1: Sneaking in (If you have a Poor Reputation with the Hutts)

  • Enter the Hutt District through the unguarded south entrance.
  • Use Nix to deploy a ladder and climb up.
  • Knock out the guards at the landing bay entrance.
  • Distract or knock out the Gamorrean Guard near the locked door.
  • Unlock the door, enter, and close it behind you to access the sales records computer.

Method 2: Walking in (If you have a Good Reputation with the Hutts)

  • Enter the Hutt District through the north entrance.
  • Go inside the main building and stick to the right wall.
  • Enter the vent and exit to the left to access the sales records computer.

3. Locating the Weapon Cases

Locating the Weapon Cases
Locating the Weapon Cases | Source: In-game footage
  • Head to the outskirts of Mos Eisley and locate the large building. Climb up the shipment crate on the side and jump over the wall to enter.
  • Navigate through the hole in the wall, past the rubble and corpses, to find empty weapon shipment cases.
  • After interacting with the shipment, 4 Hutt Cartel Guards will arrive to investigate.
  • You can quietly take them down or use the nearby vent to sneak and quickly escape through the red door.

4. Tracking the Scent using Nix

Tracking the Scent using Nix
Tracking the Scent using Nix | Source: In-game footage
  • Follow Nix as he tracks the scent. If he stops or bugs out, reload the last checkpoint and try again.
  • When you reach the dewbacks, speak with the herder to clear the path and continue following the trail.
  • Two Stormtroopers will block the door you need to enter when you reach a dead end.
  • Have Nix activate the lever above them to open a side door, enabling you to sneak past the Stormtroopers and continue on Nix’s trail.

5. Claiming the Weapon Shipment

Claiming the Weapon Shipment
Claiming the Weapon Shipment | Source: In-game footage
  • Finally, you’ll reach the Landing Bay, where Zerek Besh agents are loading the weapons onto their ship.
  • The area is heavily guarded, making combat challenging without preparation.
  • Begin by circling the bay counter-clockwise, sneaking past enemies until you reach the Z-6 Rotary Cannons. Note that using these cannons requires heavy weapons training from the Mercenary Expert.
  • Stealth will no longer be productive from this point, so launch a full-on attack, utilizing the scattered barrels for cover.
  • When the dust settles, claim the weapons shipment and make a choice.

6. Final Decision

Final Decision
Final Decision | Source: In-game footage
Return the shipment to the HuttsGive the shipment to the Ashiga
Earn a reputation for the Hutts but lose it for the Ashiga.Earn a reputation for the Ashiga but lose it for the Hutts.
Gunrunner Quest Choices

Your choice will conclude the quest, impacting your relationships with both factions.

Remember, your reputation with various factions will shape your future adventures, so choose wisely. May the Force be with you as you continue exploring the galaxy!

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2. About Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft under license by Lucasfilm Games. The game will be set in the Star Wars universe, during the period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

It is a single-player, third person action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. Set in an open world, the game will feature stealth and open combat, vehicle combat, space combat, and branching dialogue.


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