Ten episodes in, and Spy x Family is still ruling the anime industry. People just can’t seem to get enough of the show – and with good reason!
The characters and their relationships are what drive the series, and the bond between the Forger family is only growing stronger. But things are getting a little more serious as new characters make their entrance and build on the secrets.
Two episodes ago, Yor’s brother Yuri Briar was introduced to the cast and his presence quickly added tension to Loid, Yor, and Anya’s situation.
Yuri is a threat to Loid’s mission – professional and familial, and in episodes 8 and 9, we see Loid actively trying to deceive and mislead him.
1. But does Yuri find out that Loid is secretly a spy?
As of the latest manga chapter, Yuri does not find out about Loid’s true identity as Twilight. In the anime, Yuri interrogates Loid over dinner, but not because he wants to uncover his identity as a spy.

Yuri won’t find out about Loid’s secret just yet, in the manga nor the anime, although the confrontation is inevitable in the future.
2. Future Interactions of Loid and Yuri in the Manga
Loid and Yuri are family, whether they like it or not. Yuri Briar, aged 20, is Yor’s younger brother. Yor believes that Yuri works as a diplomat at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, but he left that job a year ago.
He is actually a counterintelligence agent for the State Security Service, or the SSS who uses his identity as a civil servant as a cover.

The SSS is the rival of WISE, the organization that Loid works for. Yuri’s job is hunting down Westalian spies, which makes him Loid’s natural enemy.
In the manga, Yuri is out to prove that Loid and Yor’s marriage is a sham, while Loid is paranoid about Yuri using his SSS skills to uncover his multiple secrets.
In the Doggy Crisis Arc, Yuri does encounter Loid/Twilight on a mission once, but Twilight is under disguise and manages to avoid him.
Yuri continues to dislike Loid, and wants to get his sister out of the relationship.
3. Does Yuri hate Loid?
Yuri has made his dislike for Loid pretty clear, and it has absolutely nothing to do with either of their professional occupations.
Yuri has a sister complex, commonly abbreviated as “siscon”. Yor and Yuri grew up together, and the latter became his world. Yuri will do anything for his sister, and is eager to eliminate anyone and anything that he believes is a threat to her.

Yor, because of the secretive nature of her job as an assassin, wanted to marry Loid for convenience, just as Loid had to marry Yor to further his mission.
Yor couldn’t tell her brother about her betrothal. Yuri finds out – over a phone call no less – that his sister is not only married, but has been married for a year without his knowledge. This enrages him.
He hates Loid because 1) he doesn’t think Loid is good enough for her, and 2) he thinks Loid has duped Yor into marrying him.
This is why, in episode 8, he demands Yor and Loid to prove they are an actual couple by sharing a kiss. Before they can, though, Yuri loses it and lunges at them to stop them.
4. Does Loid know about Yuri’s identity?
Loid knows that Yuri works for the State Security Service.
Yuri uses a common story template given to Ostanian intelligence agents to fabricate details of a cover or alibi. Since Loid works as an agent himself, he is aware that the story Yuri is telling is false, and surmises that he works for the SSS.

Yuri, who has an alcohol problem, loses control of his faculties on account of drinking too much wine. When asked about his work, he is already acting pretty suspiciously. Loid was already wary of Yuri’s job as a diplomat because he thought it’s one step away from espionage.
But when Yuri starts talking about his “work trip” to Hungary, Loid probes him further to confirm his suspicions.
Yuri practically tells Loid that he’s a counterintelligence agent. He mentions a famous café in the capital city of Obda, Hungaria, that used to be the Emperess’s favorite café in olden times. Loid eggs him on, saying that he had visited the same café while there as a medical student.
They talk about a restaurant by the name of Kalpatia, run by an old man, and Loid asks Yuri whether the wine he had brought to their house was from there as well.
Yuri substantiates this, laying it on thicker by saying that he found it in a shop on Hedger Street. Loid smartly worries aloud about the price being too much and Yuri says that it cost around 200 dalc.
Loid has everything he needs. He is well familiar with this cover story, which is from an Ostanian manual meant for officials who are meant to be undercover. He also muses about the fact that the details in the manual are outdated.
Yuri has no idea that Loid knows about his identity.
Loid wishes to keep Yuri in his circle so he is aware of what the domestic counterintelligence units are up to, and that he, as a WISE agent, is always one step ahead of them.
5. How will Yuri find out about Loid’s identity?
Yuri is one of the best officials in the SSS, having reached the rank of 2nd lieutenant in short span of time. His bosses know he’s great at interrogation and detecting things and people, and doesn’t shy away from using rough means to get what he needs.
The SSS is specifically after Twilight, and it’s possible that they will order Yuri to hunt for the agent known as Twilight hiding in Ostania under an alias.

Yuri is pretty smart and accomplished and his search might land him home. At the same time, given his feelings towards Yor, his perception of Loid as her husband might cloud his judgment.
Yuri might also find out about Loid/Twilight through Anya. In chapter 27 of the Spy x Family manga, Yor asks Yuri to come and tutor Anya.
Spending time with Anya in their home, while Loid is away, might give Yuri the chance to go digging in Loid’s things. Alternatively, Anya, who knows everyone’s true identities and secrets, might also let it slip.
6. What will happen when Yuri finds out about Loid’s identity?
Already, Yuri is not too psyched about the idea of Loid. When he finds out that Loid is actually a Westalian spy, a direct threat and opposition to the Ostanian government, Yuri is definitely going to try and plot against him.
There might not be an immediate confrontation, because Yuri’s first thought will be that his sister Yor is being used and might be in danger.

Yuri and Loid may professionally begin an explicit rivalry, but it is the familial bonds that will eventually bring them together.
Yor and Loid are already beginning to show traces of true attachment to each other; given Yor’s thick bond with her brother, Yuri and Loid are bound to get along in the end.
7. About Spy × Family
Spy × Family is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump.
The story follows a spy who has to “build a family” to execute a mission, not realizing that the girl he adopts as a daughter and the woman he agrees to be in a fake marriage with are a mind reader and an assassin respectively.
Season 2 and a theatrical film are releasing in 2023.
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