Aquarion is a Japanese anime television series written and directed by Shoji Kawamori and produced by Satelight. The series began in 2005, and since then it has continued to gain attention through its stunning visuals and animation. Also, the fans of the series have praised its complex storyline and well-developed characters, making it a beloved franchise in the anime community.
And the fans of the series should be excited that their beloved series is returning, as on Monday, Satelight opened a website to reveal that the Aquarion anime franchise is getting its fourth anime series, titled Sōsei no Aquarion: Myth of Emotions.
Before revealing the new anime, the anime trailer above covers each prior installment in the franchise. Also At Satelight’s stand at AnimeJapan next weekend, there will be an exhibition and a discussion video from original creator Shoji Kawamori. The booth will also show the anime teaser video.
Aquarion was released in 2005, Aquarion Evol in 2012, and Aquarion Logos in 2015. Further from producer Shoji Kawamori’s words thanking fans for their support and remarking that the Genesis of Aquarion series has been running for 18 years owing to the joint efforts of the crew and the cast, no further details regarding the new series have been revealed yet.
It is exciting to see what new direction the Aquarion franchise will take with this upcoming series, given its successful history and dedicated fanbase.
About Genesis of Aquarion
Shoji Kawamori’s Genesis of Aquarion, usually known simply as Aquarion, is a Japanese anime television series created by Satelight.
Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity’s only effective weapon against the technologically advanced species called the Shadow Angels.
Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot.
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