Smashing the Planetary Assimilation Piston with the Piston Hammer in Destiny 2

Smashing the Planetary Assimilation Pistons with the Planetary Piston Hammer is part of the Specimen ID NES 001 quest.

This quest tasks you to Extract Samples from the arena and deposit Radiolite samples at the Radiolite Bay in the H.E.L.M. after collecting them by using the Failsafe’s manufactured Planetary Piston Hammer on the Assimilation Pistons.

To initiate the quest, you have to visit Failsafe in H.E.L.M. and collect the Planetary Piston Hammer.

How to smash Planetary Assimilation Pistons with the Planetray Piston Hammer in Destiny 2?

Planetary Assimilation Piston
Planetary Assimilation Piston in Destiny 2

To smash the Planetary Assimilation Piston:

  1. Enter Area: Breach Executable.
  2. Extract Samples shaped like Digital Cubes from the Ground.
  3. Deposit the Samples in the nearby beacon emitting white light.
  4. Locate a Planetary Assimilation Piston spawned somewhere in the area. It is a tall device with round, metal plates at its base and beacon-like white digital light emitting from it.
  5. Press E or Hold ‘Square’ near a Planetary Assimilation Piston to smash it with a charged Planetary Piston Hammer.

Remember that a Planetary Assimilation Piston can only be smashed with a charged Planetary Piston Hammer. If you do not have the charged hammer, you first have to get some charges on it. It has a total of only 5 charges.

How to charge the Planetary Piston Hammer in Destiny 2?

Planetary Piston Hammer in Destiny 2
Planetary Piston Hammer in Destiny 2

The Planetary Piston Hammer regenerates charges as players complete Echo activities throughout the system. If the Hammer is completely exhausted, it will regenerate one charge daily by itself.

It is also the only device that can be used to activate the Assimilation Piston, so ensure its efficient use otherwise it may take you more than usual time to complete the Specimen ID NES001 quest.

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About Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is an MMO looter-shooter developed by Bungie and is available on platforms like Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia. It will also be released for Playstation 5 and Xbox series X.

Destiny 2 is a delight for all the fanatics of multiplayer, first-person shooting game. From offering melodramatic cut scenes to exotic weapons, Destiny 2 does it all!


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