Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy or Magical Girl Pretty Sammy is an OVA series based on Sasami’s character from the Tenchi Muyo franchise. The 3-episode OVA released in 1995, and in 1996 it spawned a 26-episode TV series called Magical Project S. Sasami returned as a magical girl in the 2006 Sasami […]
100 Yin and Yang Demon Stories, or Onmyou Hyakki Monogatari, is based on a fantasy role-playing game ‘Onmyouji.’ The Chinese game developer NetEase announced an anime adaptation to commemorate the game’s third anniversary. NetEase had launched the game for iOS and Android back in 2016, and it […]
Shaman King is set in a world which is very similar to Pokemon or God Of Highschool. It is a tournament based anime /manga in short. This tournament-based plot gives Shaman King its whole structure. Set in a world where Gods, ghosts, or spirits are a reality, one powerful being will rule upon[…]
Kemono Jihen is one of those shonen series with deceptively cute characters but hides a dark, mature theme underneath. The anime series would be based on the manga written by Aimoto Shou. It has been published in Shueisha’s Jump Square Magazine since 2016 and has released 11 volumes so far.
An anime about monsters pouring through a mysterious portal sounds like a fantasy. But an anime where humans interact freely with the creatures in the world of the portals sounds like GATE. GATE is a fantasy series based on a light novel written by Takumi Yanai and illustrated by Daisuke Izuka.
The Japanese supernatural series Jujutsu Kaisen attracts fans from over the world owing to its interesting take on the traditional themes of curses and shamans. The official website for the upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen anime television series unveiled a new key visual for the anime. The latest […]
Overlord is one of Japan’s most famous dark fantasies based on the light novel series of the same name. The series is written by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by so-bin and has 13 published volumes so far. Maruyama stated that he planned for 17 volumes if the series gained enough popularity. Overlord has […]
Strike The Blood Season 4 OVA released a new visual as announced through the franchise’s official website. The visual shows a magical scenic twilight in the background with the focus on the OVA’s main characters Kojo Akatsuki, Yukina Himeragi, and Asagi Aiba. Kojo’s character is described as a[…]
While the Dragon Quest series of video games is hugely popular in its own rights, the manga spin-off has been especially successful. Dragon Quest: Adventure of Dai was a weekly shonen manga that ran from 1989 to 1996 and sold around 50 million copies. Its name is amongst the other classics of its era like Yu…
Studio Pierrot is a Japanese animation studio that has given us many world-famous anime masterpieces such as Naruto, Bleach, Black Clover, Tokyo Ghoul, and so many more. The prominent company is back with an original television anime series titled “Akudama Drive”.It is being co-produced by Japanese video-game developer Too Kyo Games. The anime series is…
A3! is a smartphone game which was released in 2017. A two-part anime adaptation based on the game was announced last year and the first part A3! Season Spring and Summer was released worldwide in April 2020. The exciting musical drama will be releasing soon, and fans of the game can’t wait for the next […]
Fire Force isn’t just your run-of-the-mill anime. Not only does it put a spin on the conventional fire fighting concept, but it also exhibits several dark aspects of society. The common duty of firefighters is re-imagined as if they are fighting flames that are alive.