Kaiketsu Zorori is a children’s anime series that features a mischievous fox who goes on different adventures with his apprentices, Noshishi and Ishishi. The anime’s third series is getting a second season in 2021. Zorori is quite different from the typical heroes in children’s anime. Unlike[…]
Log Horizon is mainly all about strategies and trying to make their world better to live in. The most basic plot of being stuck in an MMORPG is somewhat similar to that of SAO. The story follows the adventures of an introverted college student Shiroe, who is a veteran of the game and […]
Originally made as a mobile game in 2015, I★Chu allowed the players to produce their own 2D idols while maintaining and managing rhythmic levels. This game developed by Liber Entertainment gained a huge popularity among the Japanese community where people have a massive liking for animated […]
I-Chu is a mobile game developed by Liber Entertainment. It’s a rhythm game that focuses on the player ‘producing idols.’ Idol anime have always been popular within the community with good music, serving otomen looks, and the reverse-harem romance for the protagonists. In this year of idol anime, yet another one is coming to join the
SK8 the Infinity is a skateboarding anime which is supposed to premiere in early 2021. It is about an underground skateboard competition where our protagonist gets involved. This underground competition is not a kid’s game and has serious repercussions. Various skateboarders take part in the[…]
TSUKIPRO is a fictional all-male idol group under TSUKINO TALENT PRODUCTION featuring seventeen 2.5 D idols. This was a collaborative effort to promote idols under different production companies forming different units. The collaboration was very successful resulting in music and drama CDs […]
Oshiete Hokusai! The Animation!! is the anime adaptation of Naoto Iwakiri’s Oshiete Hokusai! manga. It is a powerful story of a woman who learns how to devote herself to what she loves and fulfill her dreams. Tenkorin is a rather lazy and unmotivated girl. She wishes that everything that she[…]
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi (Idaten Deities in the Peaceful Generation) is a Japanese seinen manga created by Amahara under Coolkyousinnjya illustration. It focuses on the story of god appearing to save mankind from the hands of demons. These said gods or deities are known […]
Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki-kun follows Fumiya Tomozaki, a hardcore gamer, one of the best in Japan. But he is a failure when it comes to real-life battles like interaction and socializing. Tomozaki’s shy and reserved personality may remind us of Kenma from Haikyuu. Everything changes when […]
The Prince of Tennis is a sports-based series created by Takeshi Konomi. The New Prince of Tennis is the sequel to the original anime series. Although the series was released in the early 2000s, it is still as popular as ever. Several OVA and sequel mangas have been inspired by the series. It[…]
Seven Deadly Sins is a brilliant Shonen, filled to the brim with amazing action, an excellent storyline, and loveable characters. The anime explores the personas of the seven deadly sins – Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth in a different light where they’re all falsely accused […]
CUE! is a smartphone game that was released in Japan in 2019. To the utter delight of fans, the game is now about to inspire an anime series. Many video games or smartphone games get adapted into anime, manga, or light novels. The game has to reach a certain level of popularity to get adapted[…]