Upcoming anime, Deaimon, portrays an unexpected father-child duo. Itsuka abhors her foster parent, Nagumo. To her, he is just someone who runs from his responsibilities. Yet, Nagumo realizes how hyper-independent Itsuka is and wants to help her out. This spring, you can look forward to this[…]
There are plenty of sports genre anime, but very few are as dynamic as the upcoming Extreme Hearts anime. Its three main characters are from different walks of life but become friends and pursue a goal together. It was recently revealed that the anime’s plot focuses on a type of “Hyper Sports”[…]
Love All Play is an upcoming anime whose spotlight shines on badminton, the world’s fastest sport. It might be hard to believe, but the initial speed of the shuttlecock after the smash exceeds any other sport. With a determined protagonist, the upcoming series reminds me of Ahiru no Sora or […]
Aoashi, the beloved soccer manga, is prepped up for its anime debut, and its release date is nearer than you realize. The series promises a fresh plot with a crazy-talented protagonist. Ashito might be a feisty, short-tempered high schooler, but nothing beats his love for soccer. His ‘I-can-do[…]
Bastard!!, the heavy metal fantasy manga, might not be a mainstream shonen series, but it has a massive fanbase. Netflix has finally picked up the manga to give it an anime spin. The series features a Dungeons & Dragons type world where people have to survive attacks by violent creatures. Yet[…]
You know something terrible will happen whenever the anime is set in Shibuya. The place is infamous for being a hotspot for almost every heartbreaking storyline in anime, and this time it’s Detective Conan’s turn there. Detective Conan’s 25th anime film installment is set in the Shibuya ward[…]
The upcoming Deaimon anime portrays the dilemma of Nagumo, whose parents own a traditional Japanese sweet shop, but to fulfill his dream of becoming a musician, he ran away to Tokyo. When he comes back after ten years, he is shocked to know that his parents have already found another heir.
It might seem like another kawaii and ridiculous kid’s show, but Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden is so much more than that. This anime will have you hooked with the dark and dangerous things hiding underneath the cute looks even before you know it. The series gave us two[…]
If you’re a fan of the classic military sci-fi genre mixed with inter-galactic fights, then you’ll love Legend of the Galactic Heroes anime. Besides checking all boxes of a typical space-themed anime, it adds a deep political twist, making it an excellent watch for all ages. Recently, the[…]
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, the rom-com anime about an indecipherable protagonist, is all set to debut this year. Aharen-san, the protagonist in question, has a problem with gauging distance. She can play claw cranes quite well but has no idea about personal space. Thus, her classmate, Raidou,[…]
Graphics have always been one of the cornerstones of gaming. Now, whether it be discussions related to a game’s art direction or its photorealism, if there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s how video games have recently made a massive leap in terms of their graphical prowess. It goes […]
Even after being an original anime, Fanfare of Adolescence has become one of the most anticipated releases of 2022. Additionally, the show being sports-themed adds more to the hype. Following three young boys with unique personalities and different backgrounds, this horse racing anime will[…]