During the Anime Expo 2019, WIT Studio (Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, Seraph of the End) announced a 23-episode long original anime television series. Written by Ryota Kosawa and directed by Hiro Kaburag, the story revolves around con-artists trying to swindle their way to the top. The title of the series is — The Great […]
Every year, the disaster of Valentine’s day leaves a cluster of romantic comedies in its wake. 365 Days (also known as 365 dni) is a film unlike these, known for its mature (read: erotic) love story. It has been adapted as her latest film by Polish writer and director Barbara Bialowas. Acquired by Netflix after […]
Every year, the disaster of Valentine’s day leaves a cluster of romantic comedies in its wake. 365 Days (also known as 365 dni) is a film unlike these, known for its mature (read: erotic) love story. It has been adapted as her latest film by Polish writer and director Barbara Bialowas. Acquired […]
Each episode of Haikyu!!’s new season, has been a nail-biter. It was announced at the very beginning that Haikyu!! To the Top would be a split-cour anime comprising 25 episodes. A split-cour happens when a season of an anime takes a break for a few months before resuming the broadcast. As of episode 13, Karasuno, […]
What to watch out for in the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why, coming out June 5 At last the final edition of the controversial and seemingly never ending teen crime drama 13 Reasons Why is set for release. Even though the show had announced a fourth season even before the third one […]
Watching the second season of Netflix’s teen crime , 13 Reasons Why, nearly 2 years back, I found myself wondering – why is it even going on any more? We know the culprit, we know the ending, what else is there? If I knew the day would come when I would see the trailer for […]
Tower Of God is a name that will strike a chord among many fans of webtoons. It is one of the most beloved webtoons of all times. Any ardent webtoon fan would proclaim this one of their favourites, if not their favourite. In this light, it fails to surprise us that Tower Of God has […]
It’s time to assemble all the battle anime fans. Kengan Ashura is back with its dynamic action loaded fight sequences, probably for the last time. Now that we all have watched the first two seasons, this one is literally making me weak in the knees, as this most likely would be the last season. In […]
Every era has its scam; the 1920s was the Ponzi scheme era and the late 60s saw a rise in quiz show scandals. McMillions (stylized as McMillion$) is a six-part mini-series documentary that takes us not so far back to the beginning of the century, the story of the infamous McDonald’s fraudulent monopoly case with […]
While the COVID-19 pandemic is causing a very chaotic year for people around the world, entertainment companies are trying their best to keep everyone’s spirits high. They are diligently working to produce new content for viewers worldwide. Let’s admit it, who doesn’t get excited when they hear that a new season of their favorite anime […]
Drifters is essentially a dark fantasy war that brings together history’s most infamous figures into one big oddball package. The last episode of season 1 of Drifters aired on December 23, 2016. The anime is adapted from the manga titled “Drifters,” as well. Drifters had built a strong fan base during the time it was […]
Berserk is considered one of the greatest manga of all time. The anime is something that has mostly been rather unsatisfying for many. Still, there is a lot you can enjoy in the anime, too, including the voice acting, music, and action. Berserk has long been in the making. The first animated[…]