Kōhei Horikoshi, the creator of Boku no Hero Academia, ran into an unfortunate situation with his Chinese audience in February. The name Horikoshi used for one of his villains was coincidentally a name that reminded his Chinese viewers of a darker past in human experimentation. He publicly apologized for this and made efforts to fix the […]
My Hero Academia was introduced initially as the story of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless teenager, becoming the greatest hero of all time. From the latest chapter of the series, it looks like Izuku can finally stand up to villains because he just got a much-needed power upgrade. The latest chapter of the series, titled “One […]
My Hero Academia is venturing forth into the Shie Hassaikai Arc with its fourth season. Overhaul, the main arcs antagonist, has tried to keep his plan a secret but looks like the heroes are onto his trail. Episode 69, titled “An Unpleasant Talk”, showcases a meeting organised by Sir Nighteye. With the evidence collected by […]
My Hero Academia has been exceedingly popular since its early days. The most intriguing part of MHA is how it manages to explore the aspects of being a hero and a villain better than the rest of the mainstream manga/anime. Like always the franchise has something ‘Plus Ultra’ for you. MHA franchise will be releasing […]