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DC News

Brenton Thwaites Confirms Nightwing Will Be In Titans Season 2

The second season of Titans is streaming on Netflix and things seem to be going well for this show. Season one of Titans had some glitches and it took some time to make its way onto the list of fan favourites. The inaccuracy of the character and changes were the most significant issues highlighted by […]


Super 30 is a heart-wrenching gem! A must watch!

Super 30 is much more than just any biographic flick. It’s part – heart-wrenching quintessential Indian melodrama and part nostalgia intertwined with a classic David vs Goliath subplot which makes you want to jump out and cheer for the underdog. The teacher Anand Kumar has been played by Hrithik Roshan to perfection. Super 30, as […]